
Showing 5451-5475 of 5506
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
2022-04 末期病人家屬選擇「不告知病人病末」之壓力歷程與可能調適結果 吳治勳 conference pdf(54)
2023-04 初探表達「遇到就面對」的癌症病人之因應策略與後續介入 吳治勳 conference 說明頁(70)
2022-04 初探新冠疫情對疾病末期病人家庭之影響 吳治勳 conference pdf(64)
2021-04 看見潛藏的威脅—緩和醫療病房中家屬的情緒與行為 吳治勳 conference
2022-04 看見講與不講背後的考量—從「術前心理衛教團體」看乳癌、頭頸癌病人如何向周遭他人告知病情 吳治勳 conference pdf(62)
2021-04 疼痛身心壓力衡鑑門診:初探台灣慢性疼痛病人之疼痛經驗 吳治勳Wu, Chih-Hsun conference pdf(1)
2023-04 疼痛疾患的心理衡鑑與治療 吳治勳 conference pdf(0)
2023-10 疼痛與孤寂 吳治勳 conference 說明頁(79)
2022-04 照顧還是需要被照顧?初探緩和病房年長照顧者之困境與照顧 吳治勳 conference pdf(67)
2024-04 當病人說「我還好」─從術前心理衛教團體看乳癌、頭頸癌病人適應狀態 吳治勳 conference 說明頁(103)
2024-07 The moral dilemma and social dilemma of autonomous vehicles: The role of perceived responsibility 吳庭達、Ng, Gary Ting Tat conference pdf(120)
2024-06 「懷念過往」的正向力量:回顧與展望懷舊對人際關係的影響 孫蒨如、黃文豪、Sun, Chien-Ru、Huang, Wen-Hao article 說明頁(56)
2024-07 Is the Epworth Sleepiness Scale a valid outcome measure to evaluate the effectiveness of positive airway pressure treatments on daytime sleepiness? Psychometric insights from measurement invariance and response shifts 楊建銘Yang, Chien-Ming、Chen, Po-Yi、Wang, Min-Heng、Chang, Chih-Ning、Chao, Tzi-Yang article 說明頁(62)
2023-12 Prioritization of sleep: Discrepancies between attitude and practice 楊建銘Yang, Chien-Ming、Huang, Ya-Chuan、Lin, Tzu-Ting article 說明頁(40)
2024-06 Validation of the Korean version of the Sleep Hygiene Practice Scale in a Non-Clinical Population 楊建銘Yang, Chien-Ming、Kim, Dongyeop、Yun, Ji Young、Lee, Hye Ah、Song, Pamela、Ahn, Heeyoung、Kim, Jee Hyun article 說明頁(65)
2024-09 主要照顧者於病人生命末期照護過程的心理經驗―個案報告 楊啟正、沈晏羽、吳曉聞、Yang, Chi-Cheng、Shen, Yan-Yu、Wu, Hsiao-Wen article 說明頁(57)
2024-06 Probing entanglement dynamics and topological transitions on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers 林瑜琤、Lin, Yu-Cheng、Chang, Huai-Chun、Hsu, Hsiu-Chuan article 說明頁(53)
2024-01 Complementarity relations of a delayed-choice quantum eraser in a quantum circuit 許琇娟、Hsu, Hsiu-Chuan、Chiou, Dah-Wei article 說明頁(50)
2024-11 Mathematical proof of the ordinal marginal preference theory under the fixed exchange conditions 曾正男Tzeng, Jengnan、Peng, Shi-Shu article 說明頁(60)
2023-08 Adolescent perceived emotional parenting and emotion regulation strategy in Taiwanese culture 林姿葶 conference
2024-07 COVID-19 stress and insomnia in Taiwan: The role of ego depletion and self-compassion 林姿葶 conference 說明頁(71)
2024-09 How does an organization's perceived fit of cognitive style affect an employee’s self-efficacy and feelings? 林姿葶Lin, Tzu-Ting、Tsai, Sung-Chun、Chang, Lo-Ying、Chou, Wan-Ju conference 說明頁(58)
2024-09 Navigating the VUCA workplace: The role of stabilizing leadership in fostering core self-evaluations and job performance 林姿葶Lin, Tzu-Ting、Tsai, Sung-Chun、Huang, Chi-Jen、Chou, Wan-Ju conference 說明頁(54)
2024-09 Resilience makes it work: Sense of self-control as a mediator of employee resilience and work performance 林姿葶Lin, Tzu-Ting、Huang, Chi-Jen conference 說明頁(48)
2023-08 When will envious supervisor level-down envied subordinates or level-up to against them? 林姿葶 conference