All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、1990-1999)

Showing 301-325 of 1243
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1994-02 從四川「仁壽事件」看大陸農村的社會衝突 江振昌 article
1994-02 鄧小平「南巡」後的西藏經濟改革 廖淑馨 article pdf(784)
1994-03 中共對少數民族的宗教政策--以西藏地區為例 廖淑馨 article pdf(1072)
1994-03 美國大學與兩岸高等學校之交流 劉勝驥 article
1994-05 從法制看中共的反腐敗鬥爭 許光泰 article
1994-07 中共授予廈門經濟特區立法權之研究 許光泰 article
1994-06 兩岸出版交流之研究 劉勝驥 article
1994-08 中國大陸各級學校學歷採證問題 劉勝驥 article pdf(650)
1994-09 中共「國家賠償法」之研究 許光泰 article
1995-01 中共近十年來教育費用之分析 劉勝驥 article pdf(779)
1995-10 西藏地區的少數民族幹部 廖淑馨 article pdf(699)
1995-02 大陸農村宗族勢力復甦與械鬥研究 江振昌 article
1995-04 大陸人文學與社會科學教育的專業分析 劉勝驥 article
1995-08 馬克思的「競爭」的觀念 許光泰 article
1996-11 外蒙「國家大呼拉爾」選舉之研析 廖淑馨 article pdf(535)
1990-05 The ROC-ASEAN Relations in the Changing Strategic Balance in the Asia-Pacific Region 區鉅龍 conference
1995-03 九○年代中共的亞太政策 HURNG-YU CHEN conference
1995-11 Taiwan`s Bid for International Recognition: President Lee`s Recent Trip to Cornell 蔡瑋 conference
1995-03 Consolidating Multilateral Trade and the Future 蔡瑋 conference
1994-10 Taiwan`s Experience of Modernization and Its Implications to Mainland China 蔡瑋 conference
1994-05 MFN and Its Impacts on the Relations Between US and China 蔡瑋 conference
1993-07 China`s Reumification Problems and Prospects 蔡瑋 conference
1992-12 Can Chinese Communism and a Market Economy Co-exist? 蔡瑋 conference
1992-11 Taiwan`s Modernization Experience and Its Implications for Other Developing Countries 蔡瑋 conference
1991-06 An Analysis of Current Relations Between Taiwan and Mainland China: A Political Perspective 蔡瑋 conference