All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、2000-2009)

Showing 1301-1325 of 1383
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005-09 大陸以低學費招徠臺灣學生留學之新政策 劉勝驥、Liu, Sun-Chi article pdf(737)
2005-08 妥協產物的美國「2005年中國軍力」報告? SHUH-FAN DING、Ding,Arthur S. article pdf(1727)
2005-01 從中共對臺外交圍堵看美中臺三邊關係及臺灣自處之道 蔡瑋、Tsai, George W. article pdf(573)
2006-12 中非合作論壇:中共強化援助非洲的平臺抑或取得非洲重要能源的工具? CHEN-SHEN YEN、Yen, Chen-shen article pdf(946)
2006-03 評《2006 年中國非洲政策白皮書》 CHEN-SHEN YEN、Yang, Jenn-Sheng article pdf(806)
2006-05 國共經貿論壇後的對臺政策與發展 TE-SHENG CHENTE-SHENG CHEN article pdf(383)
2006-06 格達費重返國際社會:美國與利比亞復交經緯 CHEN-SHEN YEN、Yen, Chen-Shen article pdf(443)
2007-06 「軟紀律約束」-中共強化監督之政改的內在限制 徐斯儉、Hsu, Szu-chien article pdf(934)
2008-03 全球化之下中國大陸研究生教育的發展與轉型 JUEI-CHI WANGJUEI-CHI WANG article pdf(569)
2008-06 科學發展觀-中國第三次社會轉型 KUO-CHEN SUNG、Sung, Kuo-chen article pdf(800)
2007-05 2007 年第三屆國共經貿論壇成效與侷限 TE-SHENG CHENTE-SHENG CHEN article pdf(652)
2007-12 兩岸交流 20 週年的回顧與前瞻 TE-SHENG CHENTE-SHENG CHEN article pdf(771)
2007-11 中國第三次社會轉型──中共「17大」與「新發展觀」 KUO-CHEN SUNG、Sung, Kuo-Chen article pdf(538)
2008-07 釣魚台事件對日中臺三方關係的影響 ZHENG-JIA TSAIZHENG-JIA TSAI article pdf(1146)
2004-07 Contending Identities in Taiwan: Implications for Cross-Strait Relations Wang, T Y、I-CHOU LIUI-CHOU LIU article pdf(988)
2004-06 2004年台灣總統選舉─政治信任缺乏與未鞏固的民主 CHING-HSIN YU article pdf(730)
2007-12 US army transformation: Where is the future? Yang, Shih Yueh、Vocke, William C.、楊仕樂、WILLIAM CARL VOCKE JR article pdf(839)
2003 Hardships of student life Tzou, Byron、鄒念祖 article pdf(720)
2003-03 Introduction: The State of the China Studies Field Marble, Andrew D. article pdf(743)
2003-12 Implementation of Profit Remission in Guangzhou, 1983-95: Effects of Policy Regime and Revenue Incentive Hsu, S. Philip、徐斯儉 article pdf(614)
2003-03 The China Quarterly`s Creation of Communal Identity - Lessons for Defining the China Studies Field Marble, Andrew D. article pdf(634)
2004-08 Deconstructing decentralization in China: Fiscal incentive versus local autonomy in policy implementation Hsu, Szue-chin Philip、徐斯勤 article pdf(799)
2006-12 Development cooperation between Germany and China: Does China still need development aid? Rostoski, Kristof article pdf(724)
2006-09 China fashions a maritime identity Holmes, James R. article pdf(818)
2005-11 Ménage à Taiwan Oliver, Jeff article pdf(738)