All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、2010-2019)

Showing 476-500 of 703
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2015-08 The US Pivot to Asia: Taiwan’s security challenges and responses FU-KUO LIU book/chapter web page(1023)
2016-03 Maritime security and the Indo-Pacific security link: the strategic reorientation of India and Taiwan FU-KUO LIU book/chapter web page(983)
2016-09 台灣選舉研究:記錄民主化的軌跡 ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、余家炘 book/chapter web page(913)
2016-09 調查研究倫理 CHING-HSIN YUSU-FENG CHENG book/chapter web page(910)
2016-09 當同盟不再漂流: 安倍再次上台後初期美日關係之發展與轉變 ZHENG-JIA TSAIZHENG-JIA TSAI article web page(835)
2016 中印戰略夥伴關係之建立與限制 CHUN-JU CHENCHUN-JU CHEN article pdf(488)
2016-01 當前南海問題的國際安全戰略趨勢 FU-KUO LIUFU-KUO LIU article pdf(657)
2017-04 Strategic Motives Drive Proposers to Offer Fairly in Ultimatum Games: An fMRI Study NAI-SHING YEN、Chen, Y.-C.、Kuo, W.-J.、Kan, K.、CHENG-CHEN YANGNAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN article web page(1169)
2017-06 The development of indicators for creativity education and a questionnaire to evaluate its delivery and practice Ku, H.-C.、Burnard, P.、McLellan, R.、Cheng, Y.-Y.、Wu, Jingjyi、JING-JYI WU article pdf(599)
2015 規則優勢下的亞太區域經貿整合 = Tuning up Asia Pacific Regional Economic Integration 吳玲君 book/chapter web page(610)
2015 上一堂最好玩的日本學 : 政大超人氣通識課"從漫畫看日本" ZHENG-JIA TSAI book/chapter web page(566)
2014 探索中國大陸石油戰略與外交 : 合作、競爭與衝突 CHEN-SHEN YEN book/chapter web page(481)
2012 從台灣看大陸 : 幾位學者的觀察 = Views from Taiwan on the Mainland : observations of several scholars SHAO-CHENG TANG book/chapter web page(507)
2014 美國重返亞洲後的東亞政治.經濟與安全之轉變 CHYUNG LY LEE book/chapter web page(560)
2013 印度崛起 鄭端耀 book/chapter web page(457)
2010 霸權之後與中國崛起 SHUH-FAN DING book/chapter web page(598)
2016 過去情境影響當下決策判斷的機制 徐慎謀 report pdf(467)
2015 日本與中國對發展中國家經濟合作的比較:東南亞、非洲的個案研究 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA report pdf(322)
2016 南進!中國海上絲路及其與印度在南亞之戰略競賽 SHUH-FAN DING report pdf(412)
2015 政黨候選人選擇機制的變遷:以台灣為例 ERIC CHEN-HUA YU report pdf(378)
2016 再探全國性民調推估地方民意的可行性:應用改良式多層次貝氏定理估計模型及事後分層加權預測立法委員選舉結果 ERIC CHEN-HUA YU report pdf(503)
2015-10 The Implications of the Maritime Silk Road Initiative for China’s Geostrategic Advance to South and Southeast Asia FU-KUO LIU article pdf(475)
2017-06 The South China Sea Arbitration and Taiwan`s Claim: Legal and Political Implications HSIU-AN HSIAOHSIU-AN HSIAO article pdf(523)
2016-03 論菲中南海仲裁案 HSIU-AN HSIAOHSIU-AN HSIAO article pdf(602)
2015-12 菲中仲裁案初步裁決對南海爭端解決選項之啟發 HSIU-AN HSIAO article web page(638)