All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、2010-2019)

Showing 626-650 of 697
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-01 Exploring Citizen`s Anti-partyism in Taiwan 鄭夙芬Cheng, Su-feng、Yu*, Ching-hsin、Tsai, Tsung-han conference
2018-08 Party Image and Electoral Behavior in Taiwan 鄭夙芬Cheng, Su-feng、Wang*, T.Y、Cheng, Su feng conference
2018-05 Young Generation’s Political Attitudes and Participation in Taiwan 鄭夙芬Cheng, Su-feng、Lin, Chiung-chu、Lin, Pei-ting conference pdf(87)
2018-07 Evaluation of Student’s 3D Modeling Capability Based on Model Completeness and Usage Pattern in K-12 Classrooms 吳怡潔、廖文宏、劉貞佑、李蔡彥紀明德 conference pdf(216)
2017-11 ASEAN`s Relevancy to Asia`s Regional Architecture 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly conference 說明頁(435)
2018-04 Comparing China’s Approaches to BRICS and ASEAN 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly conference 說明頁(419)
2016-01 The Relevancy of Non-TPP ASEAN Members to the “New” Asia-Pacific Political-Economic Order 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly conference
2017-08 Economic Voting in Taiwan: Micro- and Macro-level Analysis 蔡佳泓Tsai, Chia-hung book
2018-07 2016大選整體回顧與影響 蔡佳泓Tsai, Chia-hung book 說明頁(472)
2018-07 結論 蔡佳泓Tsai, Chia-hung book 說明頁(507)
2018-07 經濟投票 蔡佳泓Tsai, Chia-hung book 說明頁(453)
2016-11 Strategic Implications of Regional Economic Integration Processes: Observing through the Lens of TPP 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly book
2016-12 Taiwan`s Evolving Policy towards the South China Sea Dispute: 1992-2016 (SSCI journal peer reviewed) 蕭琇安Hsiao, Anne Hsiu-An book
2018-11 Unilateral Actions and the Rule of Law in Maritime Boundary Disputes 蕭琇安Hsiao, Anne Hsiu-An 期刊論文 pdf(257)
2018-07 Taiwan’s South China Sea Policy Posture, One Year after the Philippines vs. China Arbitral Award 蕭琇安Hsiao, Anne Hsiu-An 期刊論文 說明頁(423)
2016-12 The Impact of the South China Sea Arbitral Tribunal’s Interpretation and Application of UNLCOS Article 121(3) 蕭琇安Hsiao, Anne Hsiu-An 期刊論文 說明頁(349)
2017-06 中國大陸在東協地區的「高鐵外交」 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly article pdf(151)
2017-12 從2017年東協系列峰會成果展望亞太多邊秩序之發展 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly article pdf(173)
2018-05 越南與菲律賓對中國南海軍事化行動的回應 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly、張顥瀚 article pdf(189)
2015-07 萬隆會議的國際政經合作意涵 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly article 說明頁(371)
2018 Rethinking the Paradigm: Terms for Ritual Classification and the Structure of Daoist Liturgy 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference 說明頁(362)
2011 口傳與祕傳:台灣北部道教正一派的朝科「入戶」 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference 說明頁(383)
2011-08 文昌信仰與道教朝儀:《文昌注祿拜章道場儀》初研 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference 說明頁(375)
2013 台灣北部正一派敕水禁壇科儀研究 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference 說明頁(306)
2012 台灣北部道法二門的正一進表與閭山奏狀 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference