All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、1990-1999)

Showing 1926-1950 of 4686
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1992 The ROC`Role in the Global Economy 黃仁德 conference
1991 The Application of Multivariate Time Series Model---VAR Model---in the Economic Forcasting 黃仁德 conference
1991 台灣地區閑置人力開發與運用 黃仁德 conference
1991 A Multivariate Time Series Analysis of the Impact of Exports to the U,S. on Taiwan`s Economy:1961-1987 黃仁德 conference
1998-12 Economoic Stability under Price Target Zone Policy: The Comparsion Between Keynesian and New Classical Model 方中柔 conference
1997-11 垂直整合,出口補貼與技術選擇 翁永和、劉碧珍、李長邑 conference
1997-03 有關廢除外銷退稅之兩個爭論的探討 劉碧珍、翁永和 conference
1996-07 The Determinants of Intra-Industry Direct Foreign Investment: Theory and Evidence for the U.S. and the Rest of the World in Manufacturing Industries 翁永和 conference
1998-11 The Determinants of FDI in US Manufacturing by Asian MNFs. 翁永和、劉碧珍、Weng, Yungho、 Liu, Bih Jane conference 說明頁(842)
1997-12 自製率政策與中間財廠商技術之選擇 翁永和、劉碧珍、丁嘉瑋 conference
1997-11 垂直整合,出口補貼與技術選擇 翁永和、劉碧珍、李長邑 conference
1997-03 開發中國家進口政策評估 翁永和 conference
1997-03 有關廢除外銷退稅之兩個爭論的探討 劉碧珍、翁永和 conference
1996-07 The Determinants of Intra-Industry Direct Foreign Investment: Theory and Evidence for the U.S. and the Rest of the World in Manufacturing Industries 翁永和 conference
1996-06 Effects of Strategic Internations ,Trade Policy and Market Conditions on the Direct Foreign Investment:The Case of Asian Multinational Firms in U.S.Manufacturing 翁永和 conference
1995-12 廠商遊說,研發外溢與貿易政策 翁永和、劉玉蘭 conference 說明頁(974)
1995-07 The Determinants of Import Penetration:Theory and Evidence 翁永和 conference
1996 貿易開放程度的決定因素 翁永和 article 說明頁(1089)
1994-06 貿易政策和市場結構對出口與直接投資替代性之影響 翁永和 conference
1993-12 策略性互動、貿易政策與市場條件對直接外人投資的影響:亞洲多國籍廠商直接投資美國本土製造業的實證分析 翁永和 report 說明頁(1004)
1998-03 Ecologically-Based Evolution of Dynamics Spatial System 陳心蘋 conference
1997-12 距離衰落函數之理論與實証分析 陳心蘋 conference
1997-07 Gravity theory in Spatial Interaction Behavior 陳心蘋 conference
1997-02 Natural Science Theory versus Social Science Phenomenon:A Look from Regional Spectrum 陳心蘋 conference
1996-12 就業中心與密度函數之分析 陳心蘋 conference