All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、1990-1999)

Showing 1951-1975 of 4686
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1996-06 The Urban Structure of Great Taipei Metropolitan Region 陳心蘋 conference
1996-02 Urban Spatial Structure in Taiwan 陳心蘋 conference
1994-12 多中心都市成長模型之動態模擬分析 陳心蘋 conference
1993-11 Modeling and Simulating the Evolution of Polycentric Metropolitan Region 陳心蘋 conference
1993-02 The Simulation of the Proposed Nonlinear Dynamic Urban Growth Model 陳心蘋 conference
1998-12 台灣不同規模廠商工資差異之實證研究 莊奕琦 conference
1998-11 研究發展對生產力的貢獻及產業間的外溢效果:台灣製造業實證 莊奕琦 conference
1998-08 A Causality Analysis of Trade Human Capital and Economic Growth: Asian Evidence 莊奕琦 conference
1998-06 台灣高級技術人力需求之研究 莊奕琦 conference
1998-03 Foreign Direct Investment R&D and Spillover Efficiency: Evidence from Taiwan`s Manufacturing Firms 莊奕琦 conference
1998-03 R&D,Trade and Economic Growth 莊奕琦 conference
1997-05 人力資本與經濟成長外生性檢定與因果分析--以台灣實證為例 莊奕琦 conference
1997 人力資本的外部效果:台灣製造業實證研究 莊奕琦、趙振瑛 conference
1995 A Growth Theory of Trade-induced Learning by Doing 莊奕琦 conference
1995 Economic Policy and Endogenous Growth: The Case of Taiwan 莊奕琦 conference
1994-01 The Trade-induced Learning Effect on Growth:Evidence from Cross-Country Study 莊奕琦 conference
1999 SMEs` Performance Financial Liberalization and the Asian Financial Crisis: The Case of Taiwan 林祖嘉 conference
1998-07 防禦型投資、擴張型投資、與兩岸經貿 林祖嘉 conference
1998-07 高科技產業國際分工之研究:以積體電路產業為例 林祖嘉 conference
1998 On the Interaction of Economic Development and Urban Planning : A Case Study of Taiwan 林祖嘉 conference
1996-04 兩岸經貿依存現況分析 林祖嘉 conference
1996 The Economic Relationship of Central Government and Local Government of China after Tax Reform in 1994 林祖嘉 conference
1996 Urban Land Use and Housing in Dynamic General Eqilibrium 林祖嘉、C. C. Mai、P. Wang conference
1995-08 後台灣經驗與新台灣人 林祖嘉 conference
1995-03 大陸經濟發展現況平析─廣東、福建、海南等沿海地區 林祖嘉 conference