All Of Publications(Limit:2010 Conference papers)

Showing 1-25 of 334
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-06-01 Asia-Pacific Social and Cultural Regional Integration: Connecting Peoples of Austronesian Language David Blundell conference pdf(2040)
2010-06-02 The Strategic Triangle Approach: A Concept Still Viable for Explaining U.S.-China-Taiwan Relations? Sebastian Biba、畢思泉 conference 說明頁(1210)
2010-03-11 A Study on the Collaboration of Chinese Name Authority Control 林巧敏、林淑芬、Chiao-Min Lin、Shu-Fen Lin conference pdf(7041)
2010-03-11 Long-term Preservation of Electronic Resources in Repositories:the Casa of the United States、Canada and the United Kingdom 莊詒婷、I-Ting, Chuang conference pdf(3269)
2010-03-12 A Preliminary Study on Cooperative Collection Development Among Archives, Libraries and Museums 薛理桂吳宇凡Li-Kuei HsuehYu-Fan Wu conference pdf(5058)
2010-03-09 PRC Espionage against Taiwan: Developments & Implications Aaron Jensen conference
2010-03-09 China’s Defense White Papers and Shaping Its International Image Shao-Cheng Sun conference
2010-03-09 Japanese-Russian territorial dispute over Kuril islands: partition of the problem as the best way for resolving the issue and signing peace treaty Shitenkova Elena conference
2010-03-10 China`s Calculus in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Political Strategy through Economic Integration Jose Guerra Vio、戈荷西 conference pdf(3243)
2010-03-09 China’s Role in Asia Pacific and Latin American Integration: a Peripheral Realist Analysis Juan Uriburu Quintana、吳華安 conference pdf(3439)
2010-03-09 Holding Up Half the Sky? Are Chinese women given equal rights in political participation? Yi-Wen Yu、Shuo-Ya Liu、尤怡文、劉碩雅 conference pdf(5854)
2010-03-09 Common Patterns of Cultural Heritage in Asia-Pacific Igor Sitnikov conference pdf(2474)
2010-03-09 Democratization in Asia: Young Democracy in Taiwan from a US perspective Janet Tan、談仲光 conference pdf(1616)
2010-04-02 以改革的思維調整宏觀經濟治理原則 楊瑞龍 conference pdf(1368)
2010-04-02 為什麼說人民幣匯率政策及其行為是合理的?──非對稱的損失偏好函數與「害怕升值」假說檢驗 王晉斌、李南 conference pdf(1595)
2010-04-02 Spending Cooperation for the Provision of International Public Goods 林其昂、賴育邦 conference pdf(1706)
2010-04-02 政治聯繫,市場力量與工資差異──基於政府補貼的視角 楊其靜、楊繼東 conference pdf(1541)
2010-04-02 我國香菸稅租稅負擔與吸菸家庭特性之研究 羅光達、林煥德 conference pdf(3586)
2010-04-02 Reputation as an External Incentive Mechanism in State 李軍林、李天有 conference pdf(2038)
2010-04-02 Symmetric Mortality and Asymmetric Suicide Cycles 鄭輝培、吳文傑 conference pdf(2002)
2010-04-02 從「馬克思時刻」到「明斯基時刻」:馬克思主義危機理論和1975-2008年美國利潤率動態 謝福勝、李安 conference pdf(1668)
2010-04-02 Life Insurance and Suicide: A Test of the Existence of Asymmetric Information 陳國樑、Yun Jeong Choi、Yasuyuki Sawada conference pdf(2516)
2010-03-06 由下而上的文化再生──以湖南省通道縣芋頭侗寨迴龍橋的重建為例 張駿逸 conference pdf(2098)
2010-03-06 外籍配偶的「生育工具角色」檢視 戴瑋葶;陳信木;林佳瑩 conference pdf(3785)
2010-03-06 全球化下地方文化產業發展──以貓空茶文化產業為例 蕭武桐、林亦杰 conference pdf(7210)