
Showing 76-100 of 42508
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
2013 A possible correlation between oxytocin-induced and angiotensin IV-induced anti-hyperalgesia at the spinal level in rats Chow, Lok-Hi、 Tao, Pao-Luh、 Chen, Jin-Chun、Liao, Ruey-Ming、 Chang, En-Pei、 Huang, Eagle Yi-Kung、 廖瑞銘 article pdf(1546)
2010-04 The influence of expected value and risk level in a reversed version of modified IGT 顏乃欣、Kao, C. H.、Yen, N. S.Chou, I. C.Chung, H. K.、Chu, B. S. conference
2011-05 Nuggets of The Wisdom of Crowd in Information Market with Agent-based Simulation 顏乃欣、 Wang, C. C.、Yen, N. S.、Cheng, M. C. conference
2010-10 The effect of short-term affective modulation on reward prediction error signal: A study of feedback-related negativity Yen, N. S.顏乃欣Chen, C. Y.Liao, R. M. conference
2010-04 The ERP study in a modified IGT Yen, N. S.顏乃欣Chung, H. K.Chou, I. C.、Kao, C. H.、Chu, B. S.、Yang, T. H. conference
2010-04 Dissociated decision processes under time pressure in the Iowa Gambling Task Yen, N. S.顏乃欣Chou, I. C.、Kao, C. H.、Chung, H. K.、Yang, T. H. conference
2010-04 The FRN is associated with the expection Yen, N. S.顏乃欣、Chang, Y. F.、Lin, C. Y.、Chen, C. Y.、Kao, C. H. conference
2012-03 Memory updating capacity is the better predictor of multiplication performance than numerical acuity 顏乃欣Han, C. C.Yen, N. S.、Didino, D.、Butterworth, B conference
2010-05 議程設定與立法產出:行政機關與立法機關在立法過程中的影響力 盛杏湲 conference
2012-10 企業主如何因應金融海嘯? 在於「競爭大未來」、「未來競爭力」與「高瞻遠矚力」 張裕隆 conference
2010-07 Giving a local voice: A community media, media literacy and social actions in Taiwan 孫曼蘋 conference
2010-08 10個台灣創意教學的故事 張寶芳 report 說明頁(3294)
2010 Chinese spouses` empowerment through community communication: a case study of the Chinese Association of Relief and Ensuing Service Momesso,Lara、Sun, Mine-Ping article pdf(956)
2011 Location-Based Mobile Collaborative Digital Narrative Platform Lin, Sicai 、 Tsai, Tzu-Chieh Chen, Sheng-Chih 、 Lee, Shindi conference
2011 Retrieval of Motion Capture Data Aids Efficient Digital Learning Chen, Sheng-Chih 、 Kao, Tsai-Sheng 、 Chen, Wei-Kuang 、 Hsu, Jui-I conference
2011 Continuous Archiving of Group Digital Photograph Collections with a MPEG-7 Based Crowd Sourcing Annotation Methodology Kuo, Pei-Jeng 、 Cheng, Po-Yu 、 Su, Wei-Chen 、 Chen, Sheng-Chih郭正佩 conference 說明頁(1668)
2010-07 Internet Pornography and Teen Sexual Attitudes and Behavior 吳筱玫 article pdf(1888)
2013.09 評估高密度寡核苷酸晶片正規化方法 黃怡婷、蘇育卉、郭訓志、滕涵菁、Hwang, Yi-Ting、Su, Yu-Hui、Kuo, Hsun-Chih、Terng, Harn-Jing article pdf(1254)
2010-01 由音韻實驗之觀點來探討漢語舌面音的現象 萬依萍、Wan, I.-P article 說明頁(1770)
2010 大學與智庫的公共角色─從社會良心到社會創新 吳思華 book/chapter 說明頁(1493)
2010-10 部落格與競選傳播:以 2008 年台灣總統大選候選人為例 蘇蘅張寶芳 article 說明頁(0)
2011 A PAN Framework to Stimulate Creativity For Narrative Chang, Yun-Tai 、Chen, Sheng-Chih Li, Tsai-Yen conference
2011 Mobile Tour Planning Using Landmark Photo Matching and Intelligent Character Recognition Huagn, Cheng-Ming 、Liao, Wen-Hung Chen, Sheng-Chih conference
2010-06 Accommodating Convergence in the Digital Age: Regulator`s Perspective/ 60th Annual ICA Conference 劉幼琍 conference
2010-06 Communication Research in Great China 彭芸 conference