
Showing 145101-145125 of 145923
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
2011-01 Work-family research: A broader view of impact 曹銀愛、Cho, Eunae、Johnson, R. C.、Kiburz, K. M.、Dumani, S.、Allen, T. D. article 說明頁(52)
2013-03 Work-to-family conflict and the family dinner: What makes a difference? 曹銀愛、Cho, Eunae、Allen, Tammy D. article 說明頁(50)
2024-12 組織數位轉型價值創造過程之探討:動態能力觀點 吳豐祥、沈柏延、姚成彥、詹文男Wu, Feng-Shang、Shen, Bo-Yen、Yao, Chen-Yen、Tsan, Wen-Nan article 說明頁(71)
2024-10 專家證人與智慧財產訴訟 莊弘鈺、Chuang, Luke Hung-Yu article 說明頁(59)
2024-11 新興科技形塑與規範競爭:以美國及德國自動駕駛規範為例 莊弘鈺、Chuang, Hung-Yu article 說明頁(66)
2024-09 AteMeVs: An R package for the estimation of the average treatment effects with measurement error and variable selection for confounders 陳立榜、Chen, Li-Pang、Yi, Grace Y. article 說明頁(60)
2024-10 EATME: An R package for EWMA control charts with adjustments of measurement error 陳立榜、林政寬、Chen, Li-Pang、Lin, Cheng-Kuan article 說明頁(58)
2024-07 CEO的個人特質,是否影響商譽減損測試的相關揭露? 林禹銘、Lin, I-Min article 說明頁(57)
2020-12 董事連結網絡特性、技術多角化與創新績效之關聯性研究:以台灣電子業為例 黃政仁、張肇元、Huang, Cheng-Jen、Chang, Chao-Yuan article 說明頁(53)
2024-10 Transparency and Social Media Affordance 周致遠、黃珺 article 說明頁(63)
2024-09 自然解決方案與自然相關財務揭露:臺灣企業參與對外援助的新契機 楊文琪 article 說明頁(57)
2022-12 The Age of Declining Democracy: The Approaches to Researching Democratic Backsliding 李其恩、Lee, Chi-En article 說明頁(69)
2024-12 中國製的原罪?中國水壩興建計畫在緬甸及柬埔寨的發展與挑戰 楊昊、韓翔、Yang, Alan Hao、Han, Kate Hsiang article 說明頁(56)
2024-09 Issuance of the “Opinions on Punishing ‘Taiwan Independence’ Diehards” and Its Implications for China’s Taiwan Policy 曾偉峯Tzeng, Wei-Feng article 說明頁(60)
2021-12 台灣公民募資的消費實踐(2012-2019 年) 張依萍、Chang, Yi-ping article 說明頁(41)
2023-09 The Body That Counts: On the Digital Techniques of the Chinese Modern Dance 謝杰廷、Hsieh, Chieh-Ting article 說明頁(39)
2023-09 數位/網路性別暴力類型之研究 方念萱、陳怡青、王珮玲 article 說明頁(58)
2023-06 數位性別暴力盛行率研究初探 方念萱王珮玲、陳怡青 article 說明頁(61)
2024-09 Fighting Will: Are Taiwanese Citizens willing to Resist China’s Coercion? 鄭夙芬Cheng, Su-Feng、Wang, T.Y. conference 說明頁(58)
2024-10 Intellectuals Matter: Investigating China’s Think Tanks’ Position on Taiwan via Scholars’ Public Comments 曾偉峯Tzeng, Wei-Feng conference pdf(34)
2024-10 Navigating Polarization: Understanding Twitter's Dialogue on China in a Competitive Global Context 曾偉峯 鄭宇君Tzeng, Wei-Feng、Cheng, Yu-Chung、Wang, Hsin-HsienWang, Shinn-Shyr conference 說明頁(62)
2024-03 Philanthropic Authoritarianism: Social Governance and Mobilization in Xi’s China 曾偉峯Tzeng, Wei-FengWang, Hsin-Hsien、Wu, Mei-Chu conference pdf(59)
2024-03 The Central Government under Fire? Analyzing the Shift in Protest Targets in Xi Jinping's China 曾偉峯Tzeng, Wei-FengWang, Hsin-Hsien conference pdf(44)
2024-08 依法治國還是依法護黨?中共全國人大立法安全化的模式與趨勢 曾偉峯 conference
2024-10 習時期中國社會組織治理變革之制度邏輯 曾偉峯 conference pdf(50)