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Categories of Technology-facilitated Gender-Based Violence
Key Words科技; 性暴力; 性別暴力; 網路暴力; 數位性別暴力
Technology; Sexual assault; Gender-based violence; Cyber violence; Digital gender violence
Date Issued17-Jan-2025 10:50:24 (UTC+8)
Objective: Technology-facilitated gender-based violence entails use of the internet or digital tools by perpetrators to inflict violence on victims based on sex or gender discrimination. For the past 20 years, Taiwan's government has devoted many resources to the prevention and treatment of gender violence. As the profile of gender violence continues to change with the development of the internet and digital technology, the purpose of this pilot study is to identify current types of digital gender violence. Methods: We conducted qualitative in-depth interviews with 14 victims of digital gender violence about their experiences. We transcribed the interviews and applied categorical analysis to identify categories of digital gender violence. Results: We identified 8 categories: harassment, insult and attack, cyberstalking, doxing and slander, control and restriction of online posting, image-based sexual violence, cyber exclusion, and account hacking. We also found that the category of digital gender violence presented corresponds to whether or not the perpetrator has or has had an intimate relationship with the victim. Conclusions: Most of the categories of digital gender violence identified in this study are similar to those presented in the previous literature. We did find 2 categories not previously described: restriction of online posting and cyber exclusion. We also found that the categories of control and account hacking occur more frequently between people with an intimate relationship. The isolation of victims deserves further research attention.
Relation中華心理衛生學刊, Vol.36, No.3, pp.261-292
dc.contributor 新聞系
dc.creator (作者) 方念萱;陳怡青;王珮玲 (日期) 2023-09 17-Jan-2025 10:50:24 (UTC+8)- 17-Jan-2025 10:50:24 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 17-Jan-2025 10:50:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 研究目的:數位/網路性別暴力是指利用網路或數位工具,基於性或性別歧視所做出的數位暴力行為。台灣過去20多年來,對性別暴力防治工作有許多投入,但隨著網路與數位科技的發展,性別暴力呈現的型態,已發生了很大的改變。為了對網路世界下的性別暴力有所了解,我們進行本項先導研究,目的在於探討「數位/網路性別暴力」的類型與發生狀況,進而了解受害人處境。研究方法:本研究採質性研究法,針對14位曾遭數位/網路性別暴力之受害人進行深度訪談,瞭解其所曾經面臨的受暴經驗,訪談逐字稿為本研究主要的分析資料,使用歸納法進行類屬分析。研究結果:數位/網路性別暴力可分為八大類,包括:騷擾、羞辱攻擊與公審、跟蹤肉搜、散布隱私捏造毀謗、控制或限制表意、影像性暴力、數位排除,與身分侵犯冒用。此外,加害者與受害者之間是否曾有親密關係,數位/性別暴力的類型會略有不同。研究結論:本研究所發現的數位/網路性別暴力類型與國外文獻類似,然而限制表意及數位排除,是文獻未曾報導的研究發現,因此受害者孤立的處境值得重視。此外,本研究發現控制與身分侵犯更易發生在親密關係下的數位/性別暴力中。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Objective: Technology-facilitated gender-based violence entails use of the internet or digital tools by perpetrators to inflict violence on victims based on sex or gender discrimination. For the past 20 years, Taiwan's government has devoted many resources to the prevention and treatment of gender violence. As the profile of gender violence continues to change with the development of the internet and digital technology, the purpose of this pilot study is to identify current types of digital gender violence. Methods: We conducted qualitative in-depth interviews with 14 victims of digital gender violence about their experiences. We transcribed the interviews and applied categorical analysis to identify categories of digital gender violence. Results: We identified 8 categories: harassment, insult and attack, cyberstalking, doxing and slander, control and restriction of online posting, image-based sexual violence, cyber exclusion, and account hacking. We also found that the category of digital gender violence presented corresponds to whether or not the perpetrator has or has had an intimate relationship with the victim. Conclusions: Most of the categories of digital gender violence identified in this study are similar to those presented in the previous literature. We did find 2 categories not previously described: restriction of online posting and cyber exclusion. We also found that the categories of control and account hacking occur more frequently between people with an intimate relationship. The isolation of victims deserves further research attention.
dc.format.extent 148 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 中華心理衛生學刊, Vol.36, No.3, pp.261-292
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 科技; 性暴力; 性別暴力; 網路暴力; 數位性別暴力
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Technology; Sexual assault; Gender-based violence; Cyber violence; Digital gender violence
dc.title (題名) 數位/網路性別暴力類型之研究
dc.title (題名) Categories of Technology-facilitated Gender-Based Violence
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.30074/FJMH.202309_36(3).0002
dc.doi.uri (DOI)