All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 26-50 of 156
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-03 Memory updating capacity is the better predictor of multiplication performance than numerical acuity 顏乃欣Han, C. C.Yen, N. S.、Didino, D.、Butterworth, B conference
2012-10 企業主如何因應金融海嘯? 在於「競爭大未來」、「未來競爭力」與「高瞻遠矚力」 張裕隆 conference
2011-11 透過認知學習探索城市聲影之互動遊戲 黃郁茹、陳聖智、曾韻如、吳岱芸、林廷達、顧竣翔 conference
2010-03 物質依賴嚴重度對海洛因使用者的抑制控制功能之影響 梁記雯、傅雅懌、許文耀 conference
2010-03 對侵入性想法的治療--抑制與接納之因應方式的個案報告 陳亭君、許文耀 conference
2010-03 成熟斷層與不同類型的違犯行為之關係 李炯德、曾幼涵、許文耀 conference
2010-03 限制青少年的自主需求與青少年違犯行為之關係 曾幼涵、李炯德、許文耀 conference
2012-10 不同職位,不同腦袋? 員工職位階層對評估其所屬企業整體競爭力之比較分析研究 張裕隆、王采蘋 conference
2012-10 從員工自評公司獲利理想程度與否來評估公司整體的競爭力 張裕隆、王采蘋、李佳蓉 conference
2011-05 領導競爭力研究之一脈相承與蛻變發展 張裕隆 conference
2012-01 員工年薪高低在「個人幸福力」、「未來競爭力」、「組織競爭力」、 「個人競爭力」與「因應金融海嘯」之比較分析研究 張裕隆、王采蘋、李佳蓉 conference
2013-06 Parents`acceptance of behavioral intervention for sleep problems in infant and toddlers in Taiwan Chang, J. H、Yang, C. M 楊建銘 conference
2013-06 Treatment Efficacy of CBT-I in Primary Insomnia Patients with Different Levels of Anxiety Chen, L. C、Lin, Y. S、Yang, C. M 楊建銘 conference
2013-06 Maladaptive Sleep Beliefs and Stress-related Sleep Vulnerability Predict Insomnia at a Long-term Follow-up Yang, C. M、Hung, C. Y、 楊建銘 conference
2013-06 An Event-Related Potential (ERP) Analysis of Different Sleep Effects in False Memory Yang, C. M楊建銘、Chang, C. H、Lin, C. C conference
2013-03 以事件關聯電位探討睡眠效果影響錯誤記憶之歷程 張棨勛、林俊成、楊建銘 conference
2013-03 睡眠脆弱特質、壓力因應及睡眠的不當認知在失眠發展歷程所扮演的角色 洪智盈、楊建銘 conference
2012-12 Association between treatment outcome and changes in cognitive and behavioral variables following CBT for insomnia Yang, C.M楊建銘 conference
2012-06 The development of a questionnaire to assess sleep-wake flexibility : preliminary data Yang, C. M.楊建銘、Ma, H. Y.、Jan, Y. W. conference
2012-06 Effect of 10-min light exposure on subsequent sleep during brief awakening in the middle of night Chiang, Y.、Chen, A. J.、Chen, Y. T.、Yang, C. M.楊建銘、Lu, C.、Tu, H. conference
2012.06 Time domain and frequency domain of heart rate variability in different sleep stage : an indicator of disease severity Wang, C.H.、Ting, H、Huang, R.、Yang, C. M. conference
2012-06 The association between treatmant effect and changes of cognitive and behavioral factors following CBT-I treatment in primary and comorbid insomnia Yang, C. M.楊建銘、Jan, Y. W.、Yang, T. T. conference
2012-03 短暫午睡對國小學童認知功能與情緒之影響 彭志業、楊建銘詹志禹 conference
2012-03 不同波長成分光照對夜間短暫清醒後之後續睡眠的影響 陳裕婷、陳諳融、盧建均、涂筱雯、姜雅惠、楊建銘 conference
2012-03 失眠認知行為治療的執行程度與治療效果間的關係 陳佳琤、楊建銘、詹雅雯 conference