All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Articles、2020-2029)

Showing 26-50 of 606
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2020-07 A Note on Labor Share, Price Markup and Monetary Policy 朱琇妍、Chu, Shiou-Yen article pdf(167)
2020-07 An Econometric Analysis of Hispanic Migration in the United States 林其昂Lin, Brian Chi-ang、Pan, Mingming article pdf(185)
2020-03 我國企業與勞工因應職場霸凌的現況檢討及作法 成之約Cheng, Chih-Yu、范淑婷、黃敏惠 article pdf(241)
2020-03 Regulating home care givers or migrant workers? Comparing domestic workers regulation in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan 成之約Cheng, Chih-Yu、許雲翔、Hsu, Yun-Hsiang article pdf(234)
2020-06 Building Friendship with Boss: Strategic Prosocial Behaviors in the Agency Model 何靜嫺Ho, Shirley J.、Tsai, Yi Hao article pdf(200)
2021-01 The effect of microinsurance on the insurance market: evidence from Taiwan 何靜嫺Ho, Shirley J.、Hsu, Hsui-Hao article 說明頁(259)
2020-05 Can strengthening the local content requirements meet a government`s need to raise industrial productivity and production? 翁永和Weng, Yungho article pdf(314)
2020-07 Do Cooperative Based Learning Groups Help Students Learn Microeconomics? 陳鎮洲Chen, JennjouLin, Tsui-Fang article pdf(176)
2020-03 媒體傳播效應與房市變化關聯性之驗證 陳明吉、Chen, Ming-Chi、朱芳妮、楊茜文、黃御維 article pdf(204)
2020-08 Using deep learning with convolutional neural network approach to identify the invasion depth of endometrial cancer in myometrium using MR images: A pilot study 董祥開、Dong, Hsiang-Chun、Yu, Mu-Hsien、Lin, Yi-Hsin、Chang, Cheng-Chang article pdf(194)
2020-04 從「社會企業」到「社會創新」之政策變遷分析:多元流程模型的觀點 江明修Chiang, Min-Hsiu article 說明頁(273)
2020-12 Comprehensive Vulnerability Management Framework of Village Vulnerability Assessment to Floods and Landslides in New Taipei City: A Preliminary Empirical Study 張鎧如、Chang, Kai-Ju、廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung、李天申、Li, Tien-Shen article pdf(183)
2020-11 是「彈性」、「平移」、還是「緩衝」?我國的彈性工時制度應該「被正名」嗎? 董祥開、Dong, Hsiang-Kai Dennis article
2020-09 雙盲約會? 國考分發制度下的工作契合與分發滿意度研究 董祥開、Dong, Hsiang-Kai Dennis、高于涵 article 說明頁(245)
2020-06 部落大学カリキュラムから烏来女性のエンパワーメント、工芸復興への展開 王雅萍ONG, Nga-ping article pdf(232)
2020-06 A Study on Evaluation Frameworks and Strategies of Smart Industrial Parks 白仁德Pai, Jen-Te、林巧芳、Lin, Chiao-Fang、胡迪、Hu, Di article pdf(196)
2020-01 Big Climate Data Assessment of Viticulture Conditions for Wine Quality Determination 林士淵、Lin,  Shih-Yuan、Tsai, Ya-Lun S. article pdf(207)
2020-06 Evaluation of the Factors Influencing InSAR Digital Elevation Model - Case Study on Image Selection and Multi-look Processing 林士淵、Lin,  Shih-Yuan article pdf(257)
2020-11 探索農村地區韌性實踐之路—以台中市霧峰區為例(一) 顏愛靜、Yen, Ai-Ching article pdf(210)
2020-03 歷史創傷與原住民族社工的實踐:如何以故事解讀原住民族家庭暴力? 王增勇、Wang, Frank Tsen-Yung、郭孟佳 article pdf(144)
2020-03 Patterns of exposure to adverse childhood experiences and their associations with mental health: A survey of 1,346 university students in East Asia 楊佩榮、Yang, Pei-Jung、Ho, Grace W. K.、Bressington, D.、Karatzias, T.、Chien, W.T.、Inoue, S.、Hyland, P.、Chan, A. C. Y. article pdf(150)
2020-03 ICD-11 PTSD和复杂性PTSD在东亚文化中的效度:来自中国, 香港, 日本和台湾年轻人的发现 楊佩榮、Yang, Pei-Jung、Ho, Grace W. K.、Hyland, Philip、Shevlin, Mark、Chien, W. T.、Inoue, Sachiko、Chen, Fei H.、Karatzias, Athena C. Y. Chan & Thanos article pdf(197)
2020-06 City Diplomacy, Multilateral Networks and the Role of Southeast Asia 吳得源Wu, Der-yuan article pdf(186)
2020-08 Having Children in a Time of Lowest-Low Fertility 胡力中、Hu, Li-Chung、姜以琳、Chiang, Yi-Lin article pdf(192)
2020-08 Marital Status and Self-Rated Health in China: A Longitudinal Analysis 胡力中、Hu, Li-Chung article pdf(161)