All Of Publications(Limit:Department of Philosophy、Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 76-100 of 167
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013-01 Mohist Approach to the Rule-Following Problem 林從一Lin, Chung-I. article pdf(710)
2014-06 對於胡塞爾現象學重視發生與歷史的一種解讀——從呂格爾論懺悔的宗教維度來深化 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Sheng article pdf(839)
2014-06 韓非論禪讓:淵源與融合 詹康Chan, Kang article pdf(457)
2010-12 Philosophy of Language in a Different Voice-On Wilhelm von Humboldt`s Views of World-Disclosing Function of Language and Dialogical Character of Reason Lin, Yuan-Tse林遠澤 article pdf(1003)
2014-12 Nishitani on Emptiness and Historical Consciousness Lin, Chen-kuo林鎮國 article pdf(926)
2013 The wiseman and the sage: Metaphysics as wisdom in aristotle and the neo-confucian school of principle Camus, Rina Marie、甘海寧 article 說明頁(1072)
2011-03 Reflections on glocalization from a neo-Confucian perspective Liu, Shu-hsien、劉述先 article pdf(783)
2010-04 Vitality: Imagination and the place of nature Huang, Kuanmin、黃冠閔 article 說明頁(1144)
2014-10 A reconsideration of nursing ethics from the perspective of Téchne Wang, Wen-Sheng、汪文聖 article pdf(955)
2011-11 How is aristotle`s conception of physis implicated in Husserl`s phenomenology? - With special consideration given to Husserl`s thought concerning ethics Wang, Wen-Sheng、汪文聖 article 說明頁(1231)
2011-03 The theory of Buddha-bodies in the context of soteriology-focusing on the Mahayanasamgraha Keng, Ching、耿晴 article pdf(772)
2011-03 God and time: On Augustine`s and Husserl`s theological view Lo, Lee Chun羅麗君 article pdf(932)
2011-03 Dose heidegger stand for a theological philosophy or a philosophical theology? In comparison with Husserl`s and Arendt`s position Wang, Wen-Sheng、汪文聖 article pdf(932)
2010-02 The exploration of the lived experiences of schizophrenic patients and family members facing the fear of illness hereditary Lu, S.-F.、Hong, C.-J.、Wang, Wen Sheng、Sheu, S.-J.、汪文聖 article pdf(850)
2015-06 身體姿態與語言表達-論馮特的語言手勢起源論與民族心理學理念 林遠澤 article pdf(682)
2013 評林安梧《道的錯置——中國政治思想的根本困結》 李彥儀 article pdf(619)
2014 莊子道生、自生說析評 詹康 article pdf(633)
2015 韓非的際遇思想——兼與馬基雅維利比較 詹康 article 說明頁(919)
2011 The enlightenment project of Carsun Chang`s neo-confucianism: A modern vs. postmodern perspective Ho, Hsin Chuan何信全 article 說明頁(1158)
2013-09 宗教与知识论—以五至六世纪佛教量论的汉传为例 林鎮國 article 說明頁(885)說明頁(802)
2015-06 從洪堡特語言哲學傳統論在漢語中的漢字思維 林遠澤Lin, Yuan-tse article pdf(681)
2013-12 勞思光文化哲學的基本架構、理論限制與研究展望 林遠澤Lin, Yuan-tse article pdf(1688)
2013-10 論荀子「自然、人性與道德根源」的關係 何淑靜Ho, Shu-Ching article pdf(508)
2015-08 瓦爾準與藍騰論仇恨言論 鄭光明、Cheng, Kuang-Ming article pdf(786)
2012-06 從亞里斯多德範疇論的觀點談幾種不同的「中」 彭文林Peng, Wen-Lin article pdf(373)