All Of Publications(Limit:Journals of NCCU、Articles)

Showing 12276-12300 of 12399
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007-09 美國近期在亞太聯合軍演戰略意圖及影響 沈明室 article 說明頁(244)
2011-09 印度-東協貿易的軌跡:超越自由貿易協定 聖古普塔、Chakraborty, Debashis、查卡拉鮑迪, 德巴喜斯.、Banerjee, Pritam、班那吉, 普瑞坦.、Sengupta, Dipankar article pdf(148)
2011-09 Assessing the Effectiveness of E-learning via User Profile Analysis: An AHP-based Dynamic Programming Approach Fazlollahtabar, Hamed、Mahdavi, Iraj、Nezam, Mahdavi-Amiri article pdf(600)
1993-12 臺灣地區環境法之檢討 黃錦堂 article 說明頁(191)
2009-06 The Emerging Middle Class in Post-Colonial Macao: Structure, Profile, and Mobility 王家英、尹寶珊、Wong, Timothy Ka-Ying、Wan, Po-San article pdf(242)
1977-05 性別、年級與智慧功能的關係 戴禮明 article 說明頁(521)說明頁(509)
1999-03 資本控制與金融自由化:以日本為例 蔡增家Tsai, Tzeng-Jia article pdf(715)
2011-06 中國與印度:重新定義能源安全的範例 斯瓦蘭, 辛格、Singh, Swaran article pdf(221)
2000-05 Using XML framework for electronic document delivery system 余顯強、Yu, Shien-chiang、陳瑞順、Chen, Ruey-shun article pdf(132)
1999-12 消保法有關廣告規定之適用 黃立 article 說明頁(133)
2022-12 Revisiting Air Environmental Governance in Beijing: Cases of Re-Blue Skying Governance in Beijing 周勇、林凱源、肖凡、孫宇婷、陳顯武、Zhou, Yong、Lin, Kai-yuan、Xiao, Fan、Sun, Yu-ting、Chen, Hsien-wu article pdf(80)
1984-08 台北市使用各型交通工其通勤公務人員交通安全意識的調查分析 藍三印、林孟導 article 說明頁(494)說明頁(414)
2007-05 美中戰略經濟對話之意義 卓慧菀 article 說明頁(293)
2023-12 Chinese Economic Statecraft in Southeast Asia and Its Uneven Impact in Laos and Cambodia Nguyen, Cong Tung article pdf(57)
2018-12 The Institutional Analysis of the Regulatory Predicaments in China’s Financial Sector 蔡中民、Tsai, Chung-Min article pdf(244)
2005-03 中俄戰略夥伴關係對亞太安全的衝擊 席代麟 article 說明頁(761)
1999-07 當前台灣近似媒體觀察組織的幾個盲點 林照真 article pdf(76)
2015-04 新加坡的經濟成就與後李光耀時代的挑戰 戴萬平 article pdf(159)
2010-09 Arms Twisting: U .S.-Taiwan Arms Transfers in the First Decade of the Twenty-first Century 李偉欽、Lee, Wei-Chin article pdf(569)
1996-05 The Network Development and the Electronic Media 賈玉輝、Jea, Yu-huei article pdf(139)
1987-08 國小學生學習寫中文字錯誤之分析:個案研究  劉興漢 article 說明頁(552)說明頁(506)
2004-05 A Comparison of Voting Coalitions in the Legislative Yuan before and after Party Turnover of the Year 2000 黃秀瑞、Hawang, Shiow-Duan article pdf(254)
1996-12 變革中的中國大陸教育:問題與展望 馮建華 article 說明頁(324)說明頁(332)
2004-06 The Case for an Expenditure-Based Poverty Line for the Newly Wong, Chack-Kie、Wong, Hung article pdf(387)
2006-06 From Yang Ting-he to Yan Song: Power Shifts between the Senior Grand Secretaries of Chia-Ching Dynasty 尤淑君、Yu, Shu-Chun article pdf(208)