All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Articles、2020-2029)

Showing 126-150 of 452
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-09 胡適對蔣介石統治下臺灣的認識與勸諫 薛化元Hsueh, Hua-yuan article 說明頁(146)
2021-12 近代臺灣休閒狩獵史 鄭麗榕、Cheng, Li-Jung article pdf(145)
2020-12 The Subjectivity and Identity of Malaysian Chinese Christians: Rethinking the Appropriateness of the Definition of the Chinese Church and its Referents 葉先秦、Iap, Sian-Chin article 說明頁(168)
2021-03 Nathan Ma: A Pioneer of Chinese Independent Church Movement for Pentecostals with special reference to his Social Network and Kinship Network 葉先秦、Iap, Sian-Chin article pdf(180)
2021-07 Wisdom: A Murdochian Perspective 馬愷之、Marchal, Kai article pdf(125)
2021-12 華語為繼承語和第二語言習得:以三聲變調感知為例 陳仲妤、Chen, Chung-yu、石基琳、Shih, Chilin article pdf(203)
2021-10 Investigating Long-Term Technological Competitiveness: Originality, Generality, and Longevity 李沛錞、Lee, Pei-Chun article pdf(202)
2022-04 The Effects of Web-based Inquiry Learning Mode with the Support of Collaborative Digital Reading Annotation System on Information Literacy Instruction 陳志銘、Chih-MingChen、Ming-ChaunLi、Yu-TingChen article pdf(217)
2021-11 Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Detect Tumor Genotype from Pathological Tissue Images in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors 羅崇銘、Lo, Chung-Ming、Liang, Cher-Wei、Fang, Pei-Wei、Huang , Hsuan-Ying article pdf(195)
2021-01 Spiritual Mother and Intellectual Sons: Emma Goldman and Young Chinese Anarchists 許慧琦、Hsu, Rachel Hui-chi article 說明頁(182)
2020-06 愛與慾的辯證 ──從愛瑪・高德曼在中國的譯介談北伐前後無政府主義者的性愛論述 許慧琦、Hsu, Rachel Hui-chi article 說明頁(183)
2020-10 邊疆或王國:重訪十八世紀的水上疆域河仙 雷恩‧侯洛伊德、Holroyd, Ryan article pdf(137)
2021-03 普陀山之奇異雙重角色:寺院中心與商業樞紐,1684-1728 雷恩‧侯洛伊德、Holroyd, Ryan article pdf(146)
2021-03 The shift from indirect to direct trade between China and South Asia, 1684–1740 雷恩‧侯洛伊德、Holroyd, Ryan article pdf(147)
2020-12 '本土'와 '海洋': 대만 '네이션'의 안과 밖 崔末順、Choi, Mal-Soon article 說明頁(41)
2021-08 Queering Archive: Queer History and the Archival Creation in Taiwan and South Korea 陳佩甄、Chen, Pei Jean article pdf(192)
2021-12 「臺灣文學」的兩條路—獨立與統一 崔末順、Choi, Mal-Soon article 說明頁(297)
2021-01 出版反映社會的溫度與溫差:2019-2020韓國出版現象觀察 陳佩甄、Chen, Pei Jean article 說明頁(181)
2020-10 我們從未離開島嶼及邊緣:回望《島嶼邊緣》 陳佩甄、Chen, Pei Jean article 說明頁(144)
2021-10 日本新劇與台灣「理蕃事業」―以川上音二郎、太郎冠者(益田太郎)為中心 ― 吳佩珍Wu, Pei Chen article pdf(164)
2020-12 Introduction: Towards a Queer Sinofuturism 紀大偉、Chi, Ta-Wei、Heinrich, Ari、Chiang, Howard article 說明頁(190)
2020-06 評 Howard Chiang, After Eunuchs: Science, Medicine, and the Transformation of Sex in Modern China_ 紀大偉、Chi, Ta-Wei article pdf(259)
2021-10 台灣小說中的邊界 范銘如Fan, Ming-Ju article 說明頁(203)
2020-08 後疫情時代:走出品牌狼性文化的誤區 王婉如、Ju, Wang Wan article 說明頁(432)
2021-06 相對於文學,歷史是一個倔強的存在--專訪劉維開教授 王婉如、Ju, Wang Wan article 說明頁(163)