All Of Publications

Showing 144526-144550 of 144878
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-08 公司法第二三條第一項受任人義務之違反,請求權人限於公司 KUO-BIN LIN article web page(16)
2015-01 公司違法增資決議發行新股與公司資本維持原則之關係-以遠東集團增資太平洋流通入主 SOGO 百貨案為例 KUO-BIN LIN article web page(21)
2015-07 The Regulations Governing Business Group Mergers in the Fair Trade Act KUO-BIN LIN、顏廷棟、馬泰成 article web page(16)
2020-01 The Fiduciary Duties in Mergers and Acquisitions Transactions: Focus on the Conflicting of the Deal Protection Mechanisms and Fiduciary out Clause KUO-BIN LIN article web page(13)
2016-01 The Statutory Authorities of the Consumers Protection Agency--The Federal Trade Commission of the U.S. as a Comparative Agency KUO-BIN LIN article web page(10)
2024-04 Contract Rights as the Consideration for Issuance of New Shares: Cases Study under Taiwan Corporate Act KUO-BIN LIN article web page(27)
2018-10 我國近年來投資型保險商品之發展、監理與爭議問題研究(上) KUO-BIN LIN article web page(9)
2018-11 我國近年來投資型保險商品之發展、監理與爭議問題研究(下) KUO-BIN LIN article web page(9)
2010-01 兩岸公開收購制度與企業併購交易之比較 KUO-BIN LIN article pdf(1)
2013-06 The Shareholders’ Proposal Right and Its Remedies-The Comparative Study of Taiwan and the U.S. Legal Mechanisms KUO-BIN LIN article web page(9)
2009-02 保險業經營危機之處理及因應機制—以問題保險事業之併購模型為中心 KUO-BIN LIN article web page(15)
2010-12 美國內華達州博弈事業會計監理與內稽內控規範 KUO-BIN LIN article web page(5)
2009-09 美國內華達州博弈管制制度簡介 KUO-BIN LIN article web page(15)
2010-12 美國問題保險事業退場機制之研究—以NAIC模範法律為討論範圍 KUO-BIN LIN article web page(9)
2001-04 The Regulation and De-Regulation of Domestic Interstate Commercial Airlines of the United States--A Case Study on Trunk Carrier KUO-BIN LIN article web page(22)
2001-01 The Research of Economic Regulation of the United States Federal Power Industry KUO-BIN LIN article web page(4)
2022-05 Preferred Share Design and Investment Exit Planning for Financial Investors: Shareholders Agreement Terms and Preferred Share in the AOI KUO-BIN LIN article web page(19)
2022-09 The Preferred Shares Design and Financial Investors Protection--Justice Person Investors and Certain Seats in Boardroom Privilege KUO-BIN LIN article web page(19)
2015-05 The Receivership Process and Mechanism for Insurers--A Study for New York State Laws KUO-BIN LIN article web page(8)
2015-06 Using the TISC Structured Bonds Case to Rethinking the Reforming Proposal of Judicial Examination KUO-BIN LIN article web page(3)
2021-12 從保險法特殊背信罪案例談落實公司治理之重要性 KUO-BIN LIN article web page(13)
2010-11 被假處分禁止行使股東權之股東得出席股東會對公司法造成之潛在威脅—評最高法院九五年台上字第九八四號判決 KUO-BIN LIN article web page(15)
2018-06 A Comparative Study for the Different Functions between Close Company and Limited Partnership: The Par Value Issue Included KUO-BIN LIN article web page(15)
2009-11 博弈事業之組織型態及其管制 KUO-BIN LIN article web page(15)
2010-05 博弈事業經營者適格性及執照核發適當性審查規範 KUO-BIN LIN article web page(18)