All Of Publications

Showing 144451-144475 of 144878
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2024-06 Call客類型的戀愛詐欺-簡評臺灣高等法院107年度上易字第2126號刑事判決 SHIH-HSUAN HUANG article web page(28)
2024-09 Rethinking the Protection of Legal Interests in the Crime of Public Insult SHIH-HSUAN HUANG article web page(18)
2024-03 The Discussion on the Provisions Concerning the Procedure of Trial in Japanese "Act on Medical Care and Treatment for Persons Who Have Caused Serious Cases under the Condition of Insanity"-Comparing with the Custodial Protection in Taiwanese Criminal Code SHIH-HSUAN HUANG、Huang, Shih-Hsuan article web page(12)
2024-06 On Legal Interest of Criminal Offense of Stalking in Taiwan SHIH-HSUAN HUANG、Huang, Shih-Hsuan article web page(14)
2024-04 餐點詐欺-簡評臺灣高等法院高雄分院109年度上更一字第35號刑事判決 SHIH-HSUAN HUANG article web page(10)
2024-05 Preliminary Study on the Generative AI Market Competition and Ex-ante Regulation HSIN FANG WEI article web page(22)
2023-11 How EU Competition Law Is Misunderstood in the White Paper on Competition Policy by Taiwan's Competition Authority HSIN FANG WEI article web page(25)
2024-08 EU Avastin/Lucentis Case and Several Issues on Drug Off-label Use in Taiwan HSIN FANG WEI article web page(22)
2023-06 EU Orphan Drug Cases and Tackling Excessive Drug Pricing by the Enforcement of Competition Law HSIN FANG WEI article web page(25)
2024-01 由歐盟競爭政策與產業政策間衝突談保護主義再起的隱憂 HSIN FANG WEI article web page(23)
2023-04 Competition Law Perspectives on Off-Label Drug Use--The EU Avastin/Lucentis Case Study and Its Implications HSIN FANG WEI article web page(15)
2024-05 鳴金進擊的訊號?—淺析歐盟對中國大陸電動車反補貼調查案的意義與可能發展 HSIN FANG WEI article web page(12)
2024-06 When Ethnographic Method Meets Chinese Teaching: Implementation of and Reflection on Publicizing/Popularizing Anthropology in USR Projects YA-NING KAOYA-NING KAO article web page(12)
2020-11 Decolonizing Methodologies, Situated Resilience, and Country: Insights from Tayal Country, Taiwan YI-SHIUAN CHEN、Chen, Yayut Yishiuan article web page(20)
2024-03 How Indigenous peoples in Taiwan continue to reclaim their lands rights despite 400 years of colonisation YI-SHIUAN CHEN、Chen, Yi-shiuan Yayut article web page(13)
2024-08 Taiwan inside‐out: Rescaling colonial constructions of Taiwan through a Tayal‐focused lens YI-SHIUAN CHEN、Chen, Yayut Yi-shiuan、Howitt, Richard article web page(22)
2020-12 當Qmayah變(不)成原住民保留地:土地制度與原住民知識 YI-SHIUAN CHEN article web page(10)
2021-06 The Paradigm Shift of Australian Indigenous Cultural Heritage Management: A Historical Analysis YI-SHIUAN CHEN article web page(15)
2024-06 臺灣藍姓畲族初探 MEI-HUA LAN、藍浩彥 article web page(11)
2024-03 囤房稅引導有效供給,其他配套仍應強化 TSO-YU LIN article web page(18)
2024-09 實施市地重劃時之耕地租賃權處理─臺北高等行政法院高等行政訴訟庭111年度訴字第318號判決解說 LI-FU CHEN article web page(20)
2024-08 Positive youth development of Tayal and Han adolescents in Taiwan: A cultural and structural perspective PEI-JUNG YANGPEI-JUNG YANG、McGinley, Meredith article web page(11)
2024-01 The coronavirus anxiety scale: Cross-national measurement invariance and convergent validity evidence PEI-JUNG YANGPEI-JUNG YANG、others, and article web page(14)
2024-05 The Global Temperament Project: Parent-reported temperament in infants, toddlers, and children from 59 nations PEI-JUNG YANGPEI-JUNG YANG、others, and article web page(13)
2023-12 Trust in government moderates the association between fear of COVID-19 as well as empathic concern and preventive behaviour PEI-JUNG YANGPEI-JUNG YANG、others, and article web page(17)