All Of Publications(Limit:Department of Philosophy)

Showing 2026-2050 of 2073
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-07 Feeling homeless in my hometown: The discourse-mediated hometown experiences in a rural towns 李維倫、Lee, Wei-Lun conference 說明頁(21)
2022-06 心靈環保與心理治療的移情工作 李維倫 conference pdf(65)
2022-06 以實踐經驗取向探尋佛教心理治療的形式與內涵 李維倫 conference 說明頁(19)
2021-11 自我的三位一體結構:幼兒鏡像經驗的還原分析 李維倫 conference 說明頁(27)
2021-11 瀕死或重生?:心臟停止期間經歷變異狀態之病人的生活經驗 李維倫 conference pdf(62)
2023-09 從友愛到團結—論全球倫理的道德基礎 林遠澤 conference 說明頁(33)
2023-09 Neo-Confucian Criticism of Buddhist Emptiness - and why it may matter for Spinozists 馬愷之、Marchal, Kai conference 說明頁(33)
2023-07 Gadamer on Medicine 蔡偉鼎 conference 說明頁(43)
2022-12 The Ownmost Potentiality-for-Being as Ought-to-Be 蔡偉鼎 conference
2021-09 書評:《主體、工夫與行動:朱熹哲學的新探索》 吳啟超 article 說明頁(26)
2023-06 楊祖漢先生朱子新詮的成果及其未解之疑難 吳啟超、Ng, Kai-chiu article 說明頁(43)
2022-07 從倫理療癒、柔適照顧到存在催眠治療:奠基於本土現象的一般性心理治療理論 李維倫 book/chapter 說明頁(25)
2023-06 評Roy Tseng, Confucian Liberalism: Mou Zongsan and Hegelian Liberalism 林遠澤 article 說明頁(37)
2023-09 The language of tactile thought 鄭會穎、Cheng, Tony article 說明頁(39)
2022-05 肯定現代性—重返黑格爾的批判理論及其實踐哲學的涵義 林遠澤 report 說明頁(23)
2023-06 評楊儒賓:《理學第三系》 林遠澤 conference
2023-10 Privacy and The Common Good in Neo-Confucianism 馬愷之、Marchal, Kai conference pdf(54)
2023-12 Conventional Illocutions vs. Intentional Illocutions: How Is Illocutionary Disablement Possible? 鄭光明、Cheng, Kuang-ming article 說明頁(21)
2023-11 Logical or Alogical? A Reappraisal of Bhāviveka’s Proof of Emptiness in the Dasheng Zhangzhenlun 胡志強、Hu, Chih-Chiang conference 說明頁(16)
2023-12 Expected Experiences: The Predictive Mind in an Uncertain World 鄭會穎、Cheng, Tony book 說明頁(16)
2024-01 Transcendental Epistemology 鄭會穎、Cheng, Tony book 說明頁(22)
2022-06 Silence, Resolution, and Endurance: An Exploration of Grief Temporality in Bereaved Caregivers of Terminally Ill Cancer Patients 陳薈雅、李宛霖、林耀盛、Chen, Huei-ya、Lee, Wan-lin、Lin, Yaw-sheng article 說明頁(13)
2022-10 Being at Home: The Ethics of Home Care in the Light of Humanities-clinical Studies 陳薈雅、林雅萍、林耀盛、Chen, Huei-ya、Lin, Ya-ping、Lin, Yaw-sheng article 說明頁(19)
2023-12 團結概念的結構轉型—論黑格爾的倫理性學說與儒家禮治國理念的重建 林遠澤 conference pdf(14)
2023-06 Active Perception circa 1450-1650 AD and Beyond 鄭會穎、Cheng, Tony conference pdf(17)