Browsing by 作者 吳安妮

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顯示結果 3 to 22 of 583 < 前一個   後一個 >
12-四月-2022A Sequence Analysis Approach to Segmenting Credit Card Customers吳安妮; Wu, Anne; Ho, Hillbun; Tien, Keng-Ming (Terence); Singh, Sonika
18-二月-2014ABC三階段精雕 高成長、高獲利塑成由中信銀的企業改迼解析ABC在臺灣金融業之應用吳安妮
6-十月-2010Adapting Management Controls to National Culture: The Role of Performance Measures and Socialization Activities吳安妮
22-十月-2010The Adoptionof `Western` Management Accounting/Controlsin China`s State-owned-enterprises During Economic Transition吳安妮; O`Connor, Neale G. ; Chow, Chee W. ; Wu, Anne
6-十月-2010American Accounting Association National Meeting: National Culture and Subordinates` Upward Communication of Private Information吳安妮
26-五月-2020An Empirical Analysis of Employee Responses to Bonuses and Penalties吳安妮; Wu, Anne; Stede, Wim A. Van der; Wu, Steve Yuching
6-十月-2010The Analysis of Job Stress in a Structural Equations Framework吳安妮
17-十月-2018Are Nonfinancial Measures Leading Indicators of Financial Performance?An Analysis of Customer LoyaltyBoh, Waifong;Ho, Dixon;Tien, T.;Wu, Anne; 吳安妮; Wu, Anne
6-十月-2010The Association Between Capacity, Congestion, Work Pressure and Manufacturing Productivity: An Empirical Analysis吳安妮
6-十月-2010The Association between Disclosure of Accounting Information and Security Prices in China`s Emerging Capital Markets吳安妮
6-十月-2010The Association between Financial Ratios and Stock Prices for Firms on the Taiwan Stock Exchange吳安妮
24-十月-2010The Association between Financial Ratios and Stock Prices for Firmson the Taiwan Stock Exchange吳安妮
6-十月-2010The Associations of Stock, Price Reactions with Managers`and Analysts` Revenues and Earnings Forecasts-A Structural Equation Framework吳安妮
6-十月-2010Auditor Value for Professional Judgement : A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the U.S. and Taiwan吳安妮
8-十月-2019AVM協助企業再造,讓隱形成本現形吳安妮; Wu, Anne
8-十月-2019AVM誕生:以管理創新提升獲利吳安妮; Wu, Anne
1-七月-2014B2B策略性顧客資本之管理及評價 -以食品業為例尤啟鴻
6-十月-2010The Benefits and Determinants of Success in Information Technology Application: A Study in a Developing Country Context吳安妮
22-十月-2010The Benefits and Determinants of Success in Information Technology Applications in a Greater China Context: Exploratory Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing Companies吳安妮; Chow, Chee W. ; Wu, Anne ; Yuen, Susana