Browsing by 作者 嚴震生

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顯示結果 27 to 46 of 130 < 前一個   後一個 >
29-十二月-2008Retrospection of Barack Obama’s Ascension to the Presidency: American Exceptionalism Revisited嚴震生
31-十二月-2008Sandang Bu Guoban and Political Stability in Taiwan:The Relevancy of Electoral System and Subethnic Cleavage嚴震生
30-十二月-2008The Search for Parliamentary Democracy: A Comparative Analysis of the South Korean and Taiwanese Efforts嚴震生
30-十二月-2008Some Practical Measures to Improve Korea-Taiwan Relations嚴震生
30-十二月-2008The Taiwan Elections and Taiwan-China Relations嚴震生
18-九月-2014Taiwan on the Backburner of US Relations with China嚴震生; Yen, Chen-shen
29-十二月-2008Taiwan`s Foreign Relations with Africa: The Need for New Thinking嚴震生
12-八月-2014Taiwan`s Presidential Election: A Referendum on the 1992 Consensus嚴震生; Yen, Chen-Shen
13-十二月-2012Taiwan`s Presidential Election: A Referendum on the 1992 Consensus嚴震生
30-十二月-2008USA Patriot Act: A Compromise on America`s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties? A Historical Perspective嚴震生
12-三月-2015「中」非合作論壇第5 屆部長級會議和美「中」在非洲競逐評析嚴震生; Yen, Chen-Shen
14-九月-2009中國崛起對非洲的影響莫巴克; Abakar, Mouctar
17-八月-2015中華民國與撒哈拉以南非洲國家的關係探討:甚麼是可能促使撒哈拉以南非洲國家放棄或避諱承認中華民國的因素?馬小科; Maia, Francisco
31-十二月-2014中非合作論壇:中共強化援助非洲的平臺抑或取得非洲重要能源的工具?嚴震生; Yen, Chen-shen