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顯示結果 148 to 167 of 288 < 前一個   後一個 >
25-五月-2021Unfair Competition Issues of Big Data in China宋皇志; Sung, Huang-Chih
15-九月-2015University Technology Commercialization in Taiwan: National Taiwan University (NTU) and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)Liu, Paul C. B.;Chen, Dar-Zen;Chiou, Jen-Diann; 劉江彬;邱仁鈿
31-八月-2017Unpacking the developmental process of the shared mental model between technologists and artists溫肇東; 樊學良; Ling, Han Chang; Wen, Chao Tung; Fan, Hsueh Liang
17-十月-2014The variable effects of dynamic capability by firm size: the interaction of innovation and marketing capabilities in competitive industries.鄭至甫; Jeng, Don Jyh-Fu
19-十二月-2018Visual Arts Marketing in East Asia張瑜倩; Chang, Yu-Chien; Preece, Chloe
17-四月-2020When Open Source Software Encounters Patents: Blockchain as an Example to Explore the Dilemma and Solutions宋皇志; SUNG, HUANG-CHIH
11-十月-2018Wild Aspiration: The Artist and His Search of Meaning in Artefacts蕭瑞麟; Hsiao, Ruey-Lin; 歐素華; 楊純芳
15-六月-2015With the good we become good: the effect of the sense of community belonging on technology useHou, S.-T.;Fan, Hsueh-Liang; 樊學良
28-五月-2020不用數字的研究:質性研究的思辨脈絡 (增訂第四版)蕭瑞麟; Hsiao, Ruey-Lin
11-四月-2022不用數字的研究:質性研究的思辯脈絡 (增訂第五版)蕭瑞麟; Hsiao, Ruey-Lin
25-十二月-2019中草藥萃取物的發明人認定/智財法院102民專上23民事判決陳秉訓; Chen, Ping-Hsun
25-十二月-2019以猜歌遊戲侵害音樂著作之公開演出權陳秉訓; Chen, Ping-Hsun
23-十二月-2020以網路邊境管制降低專利跨境侵權風險?──美國國際貿易委員會Align Technology案之觀察與反思鄭菀瓊; Cheng, Claire Wan-Chiung; 詹喨嵎
20-四月-2017以美國法之全部實質權利原則為借鏡檢視我國專利專屬授權法制宋皇志; Sung, Huang-Chih
26-五月-2017企業的環境管理 = Corporate environmental managerment溫肇東