Browsing by Author Hsieh, Mei-O

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
6-Dec-2013Attitudinal and Behavioral Indicators Influencing Employment Decisions Among Married and Single Mothers in Taipei Taiwan謝美娥; Hsieh, Mei-O
10-Aug-2017Attitudinal and behavioral indicators influencing employment decisions among married and single mothers in Taipei, Taiwan謝美娥; Hsieh, Mei-O; Leung, Patrick
19-Dec-2019Social Exclusion Experienced by Older Adults: Factor for Designing health care Settings in Taipei Taiwan.謝美娥; Hsieh, Mei-O; Leung, Patrick
6-Dec-2013從退休的規劃、老化理論、自我知覺與生命意義探討退休老人的生活品質謝美娥; Hsieh, Mei-O
1-Jun-2021志工媽媽說她們的故事--論婦女參與校園志願服務之經驗楊婷恩; Yang, Ting-En
1-Jul-2020成為照顧者: 慢性精神病患之手足照顧者的決定與因應鍾沛妏; Chung, Pei-Wen
6-Nov-2019我照顧你家,誰照顧我家—— 論保護性社會工作者就業與母職的矛盾蔡易宸; Tsai, Yi-Chen
3-Jan-2020社工在成年監護宣告訪視調查程序中之角色--以失智症者為例鍾慧紜; Zhong, Hui-Yun
18-Oct-2016老人居家福利需求之研究:以台北市老人為例謝美娥; Hsieh, Mei-O
1-Jul-2020語言發展遲緩兒童家庭親子關係、親職壓力之研究-以某醫學中心親子共讀團體為例陳亭涵; Chen, Ting-Han
12-Feb-2019需求滿足如何影響公部門社工師留任意願--以新北市社福中心為例葉明岱; Yeh, Mingtai