
Showing 401-425 of 1068
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2001 由「國家能力」途徑看台灣大陸政策的制定與執行:一九九六至二○○○ 王立言 thesis
2001 中國大陸區域經濟發展策略研究(1979-2000)-產業結構觀點 張德蘭 thesis
2001 論法國「一九六八年五月」事件 張宇韶、Yeu, Shau-Chang thesis
2001 Legitimization and Sinicization: A Study of Mainland China`s Construction of Socialist Spiritual Civilization 湯斌、Tang, Pin thesis
2001 Marketed Local State Corporatism: the case studies of Suzhou development zones 呂爾浩、Lu, Erh-Hao thesis
2001 中國大陸農村「攤派」問題之研究 朴仁和 thesis
1999 論中共「八大路線」 張凱達 thesis
1999 中國大陸國企改革與職工下崗問題之研究 沈鍾台、Sim, Jong-Tae thesis
1999 The study of the equility of income distribution after the reform of wage system of Mainland China 侯佩君、Hou, Pei-Chun thesis
1999 中共外交政策中「國家利益」與「意識型態」研究途徑之分析與比較 黃一正 thesis
1999 中國大陸「失業問題」之研究 李建德、Jend, Li thesis
1999 馬來西亞國家機關與公民社會之研究 潘永強 thesis
1998 中國大陸外貿體制變遷的政經因素分析:交易成本理論之運用 范世平 thesis
1998 美國與中共外交關係中的人權因素 楊三億 thesis
1995 THe study on media reforn in mailand China 陳皇寺、Chen, Huang-Sze thesis
1995 The study of labor union policy in mailand China after 1978 郭原雄、Kuo, Yuan-Hsiung thesis
1997 Taiwan-Nailand China Access to GATT/WTO of interaction and effect Anaysis 謝文啟、Hsie, Wen Chi thesis
1995 The study of CCP`s anti-corruption 陳志賢、Chen, Chi-Hsien thesis
1995 The research of Mao Ze-Dong`s thought of literature and art 韋俊豪、Wei, Jun-Hao thesis
1995 The study of conflict of law between Taiwn and Mailand China 陳彥文、Chen, Yen-Wen thesis
1995 The impact of the diplomatic expantion of R.O.C. on the relationship across the Taiwan straits 張斯綱、Chang, Sze-Kang thesis
1997 The Study on Reform of Socialist Legal System of CCP 李喜準、Lee, Hee-Jun thesis
1997 The change of library of Mainland China under socilism market economy system 陳靜萱、Chen, Chin-Hsuan thesis
1996 Sino-Japanese security relations in post cold war 林風佑、Lin, Feng-Yow thesis
1997 Chinese nationalism--China`s policy toward HongKong(1978-1997 林孟和、Lin, Meng-Ho thesis