Publications-Books & Chapters in Books

Showing 451-475 of 540
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2019-03 幼師專業的認同與發展-教育學傳記研究取向 MING-SHIANG CHUU NIMING-SHIANG CHUU NI 專書 web page(423)
2019-05 幼兒園品質概念之內涵與變遷 LIEN-AN HSU、LIEN-AN HSU、白育綺 專書篇章
2019-05 幼兒園品質概念之內涵與變遷 LIEN-AN HSU、LIEN-AN HSU、白育綺 專書篇章
2019-09 詩性智慧創建辦學績效的經營思路 CHIN-SHAN LIN、CHIN-SHAN LIN 專書篇章 web page(470)
2017 Exploring Taiwanese secondary teachers’ perception of self-regulated learning-based instruction. YANG-HSUEH CHEN、Jang, S. J. 專書篇章
2020-02 動勢身體意象:構念與實踐 TSUNG-CHIN LEE、TSUNG-CHIN LEE book web page(449)
2020-01 暴力預防與關係促進的心理處遇: 親職教育、伴侶諮商、與學校輔導的新策略 JU-HSIN FU、Fu, Trista Juhsin book web page(499)
2019-03 北部一所私立大學學生高中時期涯探索指標與大學表現的相關分析 MIN-NING YU、Yu, Min-Ning、趙珮晴、CHING GREGORY book
2016-01 花嶼村2號:澎湖小島踏查筆記 TUNG-LIAO CHENGTUNG-LIAO CHENG 專書 web page(326)
2019 Bricolage and the evolution of giftedness and talent in Taiwan 紀博善、Albanese, Dale、Yu, Ming-Jen、JING-JYI WU book/chapter pdf(252)
2015 在教學現場的歷練中展現實踐智慧-連結教育現場與實習課程 CHIN-SHAN LIN、CHIN-SHAN LIN book/chapter web page(251)
2016 精緻教育學校的創新教育與實踐 CHIN-SHAN LIN、CHIN-SHAN LIN book/chapter web page(251)
2020-03 PDS校長的領導創見 ; 實踐策略與辦學績效關係之研究 CHIN-SHAN LIN、CHIN-SHAN LIN book web page(285)
2019-05 教育行政與治理:新管理主義途徑 JUNG-CHENG CHEN、JUNG-CHENG CHEN book web page(258)
2020-12 素養導向的教學與評量 YU-HUI CHEN、Chen, Yu-Hui book/chapter web page(443)
2014-09 Continuity and transformation: Continuous challenges for world-class status among universities in Taiwan and Japan as aging societies YUNG-CHI HOU、Hou, Angela Yung Chi book/chapter web page(236)
2020-09 Internal and External Quality Assurance of Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region YUNG-CHI HOU、Hou, Angela Yung Chi book/chapter web page(320)
2011-09 The Effective Implication of Global Rankings in Making Institutional Strategic Plans and Positioning for Building a World Class University YUNG-CHI HOU、Hou, Angela Yung Chi book/chapter pdf(141)
2015-09 The Quality of Mass Higher Education in East Asia-Development and Challenges for Asian Quality Assurance Agencies in the Glonacal Higher Education YUNG-CHI HOU、Hou, Angela Yung Chi book/chapter web page(286)
2020-06 The Impact of the Expansion of Higher Education on the Rate of Return to Higher Education in Taiwan CHENG-TA WU、WEI-TANG CHIA、CHENG-TA WUCHENG-TA WU book/chapter web page(490)
2020-02 量表編製與發展—Rasch測量模型的應用 MIN-NING YU、Yu, Min-Ning book pdf(273)
2020-10 邊緣教育學:寫給教育新鮮人的導讀書 SHU-CHING LEE、SHU-CHING LEE book pdf(336)
2020-09 Higher Education in Taiwan: Global, Political and Social Challenges and Future Trends YUNG-CHI HOU、Hou, Angela Yung-Chi book pdf(173)
2021-01 野力:翻轉慣行教育!培養獨立性 x 思辨力 x 創造力 SHU-CHING LEE、SHU-CHING LEE book web page(311)