Publications-Books & Chapters in Books

Showing 151-175 of 232
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2014 English-Chinese Translation of an Excerpt from “Hawthorne” by Henry James (1843-1916) and an Excerpt from “History as Guide” by David Hume (1711-1776) MIN-HUA WU book/chapter web page(499)
2013 Chinese-English Translation of “Sans Title” by Yu Tafu and “A Memoir of the Lost Capital” by Liu Tzuhui (of the Sung Dynasty) MIN-HUA WU book/chapter web page(502)
2010-01 結構主義與後結構主義 SHUAN-HUNG WU book/chapter web page(375)
2017-06 The Poetics and Politics of Un/translatability in Timberlake Wertenbaker’s New Anatomies.” LI-MIN YANGLI-MIN YANG book/chapter web page(609)
2014-12 Diasporas on the Move: Lines of Flight in Timberlake Wertenbaker’s Our Country’s Good LI-MIN YANGLI-MIN YANG book/chapter web page(590)
2013-01 T.S. Eliot LI-MIN YANGLI-MIN YANG book/chapter web page(616)
2003-05 長袍春秋:李敖的文字世界 曾遊娜、MIN-HUA WU book/chapter web page(427)
2017-02 語言學門在台灣 ─ 現況與展望 KA-WAI CHUI book/chapter web page(541)
2008-11 English-Chinese Translation of “Courtesy to Readers—Clarity” by F. L. Lucas and “Voltaire: Conscience of an Age” by Francis Leary MIN-HUA WU book/chapter web page(690)
1998-11 English-Chinese Translation of “Politics and the Novel” by Irving Howe and “The Night Is Dark and I Am Far from Home” by Eric Bentley MIN-HUA WU book/chapter web page(487)
2003-12 Chinese-French Translation of the Novella “Chanson d’un cerf-volant” MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU book/chapter web page(521)
2014-01 English-Chinese Translation of an Excerpt from “Hawthorne” by Henry James (1843-1916) and an Excerpt from “History as Guide” by David Hume (1711-1776) MIN-HUA WU book/chapter web page(384)
2016-03 中西文藝之橋:戴望舒與法國象徵主義 MIN-HUA WU book/chapter web page(419)
2011-12 English-Chinese Translation Winning the Excellence Prize for the first Lin Yutang Literary Translation Contest MIN-HUA WU book/chapter web page(423)
2011-10 Chinese-English Translation of “Idle Retrospections” by Du Mu and “Thoughts Aroused by the Full Moon” by Bai Chu-Yi MIN-HUA WU book/chapter web page(661)
2012-10 Controversy, Censorship and Translation: The Chinese Reception of D. H. Lawrence``s Lady Chatterley``s Lover YIN-I CHEN book/chapter web page(680)
2016-11 推薦文;阿拉伯的勞倫斯或西方勞倫斯? HUEY-TSYR JENG book/chapter web page(403)
2014-07 Mass Literature as a Problem of Contemporary Russian Education LITOVSKAYA MARIA ARKADIEVNA book/chapter web page(332)
2017-01 Production – Behavioral Studies, Speech Errors, Slips of the Tongue, Malapropisms I-PING WAN book/chapter web page(541)
2014-04 Die deutschen Modalpartikeln denn, doch, ja und ihre Äquivalente im chinesischen AN-NIE HSU、Hsu, An-Nie book/chapter web page(628)
1999-01 他者的隱現 : 從克莉斯提娃的角度閱讀"咆哮山莊" MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU、Ho, Keng-Yu、Ho, Po-Hsin book/chapter web page(533)
2017-10 Humour in the Arts: New Perspectives, co-edit with Vivienne Westbrook (under contract with Routledge) SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO book/chapter web page(442)
2018 The Affordance of Facebook on L2 Writing and Translingual Writing. YI-CHUN LIU book/chapter web page(753)
2018 Metaphor in Chinese SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG book/chapter web page(646)
2018-07 A Tomato Is Also a Child`s Balloon`: Surrealist Humour as a Moral Attitude SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO book/chapter web page(550)