
Showing 276-300 of 349
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2006-12 台灣之中國經濟研究—回顧與前瞻 黃智聰 conference
2006-12 Does Public School Quality Matter to Home Prices? Evidence from the Puget Sound Region 黃智聰 conference
2007-04 海峽西岸經濟區下閩台合作之現況與展望 黃智聰 conference
2007-04 台灣各縣市地方社會福利支出對人口遷移之影響 黃智聰 conference
2007-06 The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on the Tax Effort of China`s Local Government after 1994 黃智聰 conference
2007-07 The Role of Stability of School Quality in Home Prices-Evidence from the Puget Sound Region 黃智聰 conference
2007-07 Income, Working Hours and Work Incentives in Taiwan: The Evidence from 1981 to 2005 黃智聰 conference
2005-01 大規模天然災害防救災財源籌措之研究 黃明聖 conference
2006-01 台灣經濟發展與租稅公平 黃明聖 conference
2006-01 財務計畫----個案評估與討論 黃明聖 conference
2005-04 高等教育資源配置與經費籌措 周麗芳 conference
2005-06 台灣總體技術進步、生產力成長之總體經濟計量分析 周麗芳 conference
2005-12 油價、景氣與政府財政的總體經濟計量分析 周麗芳 conference
2006-05 台灣全民健康保險財務制度之發展與挑戰 周麗芳 conference
2006-10 健康保險財務經營與總額預算制度之探討——台灣發展經驗 周麗芳 conference
2006-11 我國所得分配和經濟發展的關係 周麗芳 conference
2006-12 台灣所得分配與經濟成長的總體經濟分析 周麗芳 conference
2007-03 台灣總體生產力的總體經濟計量分析 周麗芳 conference
2007-08 人口老化與長期照護的財務規劃 周麗芳 conference
2007-12 油價高漲年代政府油價政策對政府財政及總體經濟之影響與預測 周麗芳 conference
2008-05 Relationship of doctor shopping and polypharmacy: a nationwide study in Taiwan 周麗芳 conference
2008-11 Patterns of first visits to psychiatric clinics in Taiwan: a nationwide study, 2006 周麗芳 conference
2000-09 Experimental Evidence on Voting Rationality and Decision Framing 徐麗振 conference
2000-12 Interjurisdictional Tax Competition for Domestic and Foreign Investment 徐麗振 conference
2003-01 Random Matching with Observable Past Actions: Experimental Tests of the Reputation Effect 徐麗振 conference