2004-08 |
協同教學 |
王素云 |
conference |
2003-11 |
從教科書編審制度變遷軌跡管窺台灣教育改革的若干現象 |
王素云 |
conference |
1999-05 |
教育實習概念分析--兼論教育實習之改革 |
王素云 |
conference |
2007-03 |
Taiwan Higher Education on the Crossroad: Its implication for China |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
2007-02 |
The Implication of Neo-liberalism to Higher Education:Case Studies of Taiwan and China |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
2002-12 |
大學追求卓越的另一章 |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
2002-12 |
WTO架構下的我國高等教育 |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1999 |
海外地區中國大陸教育研究之調查 |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1998 |
華僑教育的發展與檢討—從紐西蘭的移民政策與僑教發展之興起 |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1998 |
台灣地區教育部公費留學教育之研究 |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1998 |
加拿大與美國大學比較研究 |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1997 |
A Comparative Study of Daily Activities among Junior High School Teachers in Taiwan & New Zealand |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1996 |
Acomparative tive Study of Women Faulty in Taiwan and China |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1996 |
從世界高等教育的改革趨勢談我國高等教育的改革方向 |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1996 |
A Study of Daily Activities among Junior High School Teachers in Taiwan |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1995 |
A Comparative Study of Faculty Income and Promotion in Taiwan |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1995 |
A Comparative Study of University Faculty Income and Promotion in Taiwan |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1993 |
Women Faculty in Taiwan |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1993 |
中美大學教師獎酬制度中性別差異之研究 |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1998 |
台灣地區師範教育的變革經驗 |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1993 |
隔空教學之社會教育功能─「莒光園地」電視學民主法治教育之內容分析 |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
1996 |
大陸地區私立中小學發展之研究 |
周祝瑛 |
conference |
2006-07 |
「生於憂患、死於安樂」?以台灣TIMSS資料進行團體效果與自我調節交互作用的多階層線性模式分析 |
邱美秀 |
conference |
2006-07 |
A situated self-regulated learning system: Evidence from Taiwanese children’s constructs of mathematical problems. |
邱美秀 |
conference |
2005-11 |
Predictors of Mathematical Achievement and Deep Approaches: A Comparison Between TIMSS Results of Taiwan Japan and England |
邱美秀 |
conference |