
Showing 926-950 of 1017
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2017-10 「消沉」─現代大學生的心理危機 PEI-YU WU、張世樺 conference
2023-08 A Longitudinal Study on Self-affliction and Mental Health PEI-YU WU conference web page(130)
2016-07 Dose a Person with high Self-affliction Tendency Have fewer Positive Psychological capitals PEI-YU WU、Wu, Pei-Yu、Lin, Ching-Wen、Chang, Ching-Jan conference web page(111)
2021-07 The Development and Influence of College Students' Self- Affliction Tendency PEI-YU WU、Wu, Pei-Yu conference web page(87)
2016-07 The development of Self-affliction Tendency Scale Revised version(SATS-R) and short scale(SATS-S) PEI-YU WU、Wu, Pei-Yu、Lin, Ching-Wen conference web page(108)
2017-09 Using augmented reality technology improves critical thinking for low-achievement students – An example of saponification reaction PEI-YU WU、Wu, Pei-Yu、Cheng, Yufang、Lee, Meng-han、Yang, Chung-Sung conference web page(105)
2022-12 大學生家庭暴力經驗、自尊與憂鬱症狀之相關研究 PEI-YU WU、黃秋瑛、吳美娟 conference web page(142)
2015-05 大學生消沉心態性別差異分析 PEI-YU WU、林清文 conference
2022-05 以日常活動理論探究青少年網路霸凌被害因素 PEI-YU WU、張世樺、吳季樺 conference pdf(150)
2015-05 自律訓練減壓方案成效分析 PEI-YU WU、林清文、張景然 conference
2021-06 自體疾患的酒癮者戒酒歷程:個案報告 PEI-YU WU、張世樺、張凱理 conference pdf(109)
2021-06 疫情期間大學生學習狀況與心理健康之變化:以消沉傾向量表為參照指標 PEI-YU WU、林清文 conference pdf(130)
2022-07 酒癮者的童年逆境經驗、消沉、覺醒及其復原 PEI-YU WU、張世樺 conference pdf(3)
2022-11 酒癮者的童年逆境經驗與消沉歷程 PEI-YU WU、張世樺 conference web page(77)
2021-06 當世界從黑暗回到光明:宗教戒癮的力量 PEI-YU WU、張世樺、陳志芳、張凱理 conference pdf(122)
2016-04 當生命陷落時:從Kohut自體心理學詮釋消沉傾向 PEI-YU WU conference
2023-05 遠距團體諮商成效初探:以帶領練習團體為例 PEI-YU WU conference pdf(145)
2023-10 National practices and institutional governance of quality assurance in transnational higher education: A case study of Australia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong 林芳伃、Lin, Arianna Fang Yu conference pdf(122)
2023-10 Exploring Primary School Teachers’ Teaching Context Under the Collectivism: What Are the Influential Factors for Multicultural Self-efficacy in East Asia? 蘇泓誠、Su, Hung-Cheng、Lin, Lien-Chun conference pdf(232)
2023-05 Exploring Quality Assurance and Qualification Recognition of Micro-credentials in Higher Education-Global Trends and Local Practices 蘇泓誠、Su, Edward、Hou, Angela Yung Chi、Lin, Arianna Fang Yu、Chen, Emma conference pdf(189)
2023-11 Comparing University Pre-Service Teacher Programs in East Asia: A Focus on Future Students’ Competences 楊雨樵、Yang, Yu-Chiao conference pdf(230)
2023-10 Utilizing Design Thinking to Develop AR/VR Courseware to Promote Pre-service Teachers’ TPACK YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN、Tsai, Meng-Fang、Chen, Hsin-Tzu (Tommy) conference web page(75)
2023-09 Exploring the Impact of Language Barrier on International Students' Learning Adaptation: A Teacher-Student Perspective 楊雨樵 conference pdf(81)
2023-10 Best practice for crisis-sensitive educational planning YUNG-CHI HOU、Hou, Angela Yung Chi conference web page(139)
2023-10 Did Taiwan Excellence Initiatives Build World Class Universities? measuring competitive funding scheme YUNG-CHI HOU、Hou, Angela Yung Chi conference pdf(76)