
Showing 201-225 of 517
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007-08 What Makes Board Members and External Shareholders Being Unfairly Compensated? 許崇源 conference
2007-08 Agency cost and firm performance—The moderating effect of budget function 許崇源 conference
2007-11 公司治理與信用風險評量 許崇源 conference
2007-11 員工分紅之決定因素及對公司績效之影響 許崇源 conference
2007-11 股權結構與超額董監酬勞關聯性之研究 許崇源 conference 說明頁(565)
2007-11 研發支出對企業風險之影響 許崇源 conference
2007-11 董監酬勞對企業價值影響之研究 許崇源 conference
2007-12 Too Much Pay to Board Members and Too Little Pay to Shareholders— Does Governance Help? 許崇源 conference
2008-03 Further evidence on the effectiveness of independent directors 郭弘卿 conference
2007-05 Pre-Earnings-Announcement Short Sales 郭弘卿 conference
2006-11 各等級機場經營效率之實證研究 郭弘卿 conference
1998-11 商業銀行資本適足率風險性資產權數改進之探討 郭弘卿 conference
1994-04 The International Applicability of the Significant Influence Criterion of Equity Accounting: Evidence from Taiwan 郭弘卿 conference
2001 全民健保論病例計酬支付制對公立醫院及財團法人醫院的財務績效及醫療費用影響之比較研究 陳明進 conference
2005 The Incentive Effects of R&D Tax Credits: An Empirical Examination in an Emerging Economy 陳明進 conference
2005 大陸增值稅節稅方法之探討 陳明進 conference
2006 最低稅負制對股市反應之實證研究 陳明進 conference
2007 An Empirical Investigation on the Effect of Imputation Credits on the Remittance of Overseas Dividends 陳明進 conference
2007 台商電子業大陸稅務管理問題探討,東筦與昆山台商大陸投資經驗:跨域投資社會經驗效應與治理意涵 陳明進 conference
2003 How Does Intellectual Capital Support Corporate Strategies and Competitive Advantage? A Pharmaceutical Company Case Study 陳明進 conference
2004-10 A Balanced Scorecard-based Framework for Managing and Reporting of Intellectual Capital in Not-for-profit Research Organizations: A Case Study of ITRI 陳錦烽 conference
2004-12 線上拍賣交易控制之研究:Yahoo!與eBay之比較與分析 陳錦烽 conference
2006-11 財務槓桿、自由現金流量與過度投資關聯性之研究 陳錦烽 conference
2007-12 A Demand-side Evaluation of Web Assurance Services: An Empirical Study on AICPA/CICA WebTrust Services 陳錦烽 conference
1976 社會會計 鄭丁旺 conference