
Showing 176-200 of 247
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013.08 頭頂上的摩登:日治時期的台灣帽子 YEN-WEI MIAO conference pdf(2731)
2013.11 誰上研究所? 2009年TEPS-B電訪資料之分析 PING-YIN KUAN conference pdf(777)
2011 倡議型第三部門研究的回顧與展望 CHUNG-HWA KU、王興中 conference pdf(3551)
2011 “未來城”規劃的理論與實踐——以奉化溪口鎮為例 王武科、張凌、HSIAO-HUNG CHEN conference web page(1088)
2015-09 Peer Effects of Cram Schooling on Academic Achievement of Junior High Students in Taiwan PING-YIN KUAN conference pdf(899)
2014-03 Micro Discrete Events and Macro Continuous Social Outcomes: Migration Flows Analysis and Scientific Computing Challenges for Social Scientists JI-PING LIN、JI-PING LIN book/chapter web page(879)
2015-08 Traditional western art elements in disney animations, elite influence in mass culture through the prism of the frankfurt school Lin, Nai-Hsuan、Tzou, Shwu-Huoy conference pdf(385)
2017-06 「真實」的復歸:擴增實境遊戲Ingress社會文化意義之分析 HOU-MING HUANGHOU-MING HUANG article pdf(497)
2017-11 技術的實作美學:再生醫學專利圖式為例 TZUNG-WEN CHEN conference pdf(612)
2017-11 軍閥政權與女體政略:以馮玉祥主政時期(1927-29)的河南省放足處為中心的考察 YEN-WEI MIAO conference pdf(236)
2017-11 教育經歷、時期與早期職涯發展之世代比較: 以1984和1988年出生世代為例 FENGBIN CHANG conference pdf(360)
2018-05 Labor Migration, Family Separation and the Long-term Outcomes LI-CHUNG HU、LI-CHUNG HU、LI-CHUNG HU、Hannum, Emily conference pdf(431)
2018-07 Oeil Sociologique: A Case Study on Manet’s Chemin De Fer TZUNG-WEN CHENTZUNG-WEN CHEN conference pdf(442)
2018-07 Configurations of Innovations: Examples of Biomedical Patents in Taiwan TZUNG-WEN CHENTZUNG-WEN CHEN conference pdf(407)
2019-08 Put an artistic eye on scientific practices: A Bourdieu-Bayesian model TZUNG-WEN CHEN conference
2019-06 Effects of the Duration and Trajectories of Cram Schooling on High School Students’ Academic Achievement and Mental Health PING-YIN KUAN、Kuan, Ping-Yin*、Peng, Ssu-Chin conference
2019-08 Using Propensity Scores and Inverse Probability Weighting to Reduce Bias Related to Sample Attrition in Analyzing Longitudinal Data: Examples Based on Taiwan Education Panel Survey and its Follow-Up Surveys PING-YIN KUAN、Kuan, Ping-Yin*、Peng, Ssu-Chin conference
2019-04 Desiring to Have Children: A Test for Sex Preferences for Children, Ideational and Economic Factors LI-CHUNG HU、LI-CHUNG HU、Chiang, Yi-Lin conference
2019-04 Testing the Effect Pathways of Parental Absence on Girl and Boy Children: An Analysis of the Long-term Educational Outcomes of Children of Labor Migrant Fathers in Gansu, China LI-CHUNG HU、LI-CHUNG HU、LI-CHUNG HU、Hannum, Emily conference
2019-04 特許的生命:疫苗的專利經濟與生命政治 TZUNG-WEN CHENTZUNG-WEN CHEN conference
2019-08 Playing Games, Doing Class: The Sociography of the Biggest Consumer Community 周冠廷、Chou, Kuan-Ting conference pdf(487)
2016-11 資本組成與象徵暴力:以線上遊戲為研究場域 周冠廷、Chou, Kuan-Ting conference web page(359)
2015-01 後學運時代的幾個斷裂:遊戲、情緒感應與理性政制 HOU-MING HUANGHOU-MING HUANG conference pdf(336)
2019-07 Overseas Education, Social Mobility and Ethnic Positioning: The Experiences of Overseas-Educated Malaysian Chinese Returnees AI-HSUAN MAAI-HSUAN MA conference web page(475)
2019-12 早戀行為與結婚時機 FENGBIN CHANGFENGBIN CHANG conference pdf(377)