
Showing 126-150 of 156
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-05 社工有關權衡行政管理與個案關懷的不同模式之探索——以脆弱家庭方案的社工為例 YEI-WHEI LIN conference pdf(150)
2023-10 A methodological and cultural investigation on positive development of Indigenous youth PEI-JUNG YANG、PEI-JUNG YANG、Lee, Pei-Chiang conference pdf(184)
2023-09 The Application of ‘Work Capacity’ and ‘Fictitious Income’ in Social Assistance Act in Taiwan PEI-YUEN TSAI、PEI-YUEN TSAI conference pdf(133)
2023-04 The Development and Issues of Social Assistance Policies in Taiwan PEI-YUEN TSAI、PEI-YUEN TSAI conference pdf(124)
2023-04 The Problems and Issues in Family Maintenance Litigation Resulting from the Interaction between Social Assistance and Legal System in Taiwan PEI-YUEN TSAI、PEI-YUEN TSAI conference pdf(215)
2023-09 The Correlates of Recovery Promoting Relationship among Psychiatric Rehabilitation Professionals in Taiwan LI-YU SONGLI-YU SONG conference pdf(214)
2023-03 The patterns of rehabilitation service use and personal recovery among persons with psychiatric disability LI-YU SONGLI-YU SONG conference web page(163)
2005-06 Building a movement against Globalization: the Case of ‘Foreign Brides’ in Taiwan HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan conference pdf(105)
2006-08 Double-edged Sword of Multiculturalism: the Impacts of Multiculturalism Education Policy on Chinese Immigrant Families HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA conference
2005-06 Empowering ‘Foreign Brides’ and Community Through Action Research HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan conference web page(113)
2004-07 Globalization and Poverty: Root Causes and Current Situations of Southeast Asian Women’s Marriage Migration to Taiwan HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA conference
2004-08 Globalization and the ‘Foreign Brides’: Structures and Resistance HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan conference web page(92)
2004-12 Prospects and Impasse of Multicultural Citizenship in Globalization Era: the Case of Immigrants Movement in Taiwan HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA conference
2005-05 The path model of school life of the second generation of transnational marriages in Taiwan: implications for conversion of economic capitals to cultural capitals HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA conference
2012-04 公私之別與制度的偏頗: 台灣高等教育市場化之探討 HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、蔡培慧 conference web page(101)
2004-11 理解劣勢女性的敘事:以台灣的「外籍新娘」為例 HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA conference
2005-12 新移民運動的形成:差異政治、主體化與社會性運動 HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA conference
2004-06 資本國際化與跨國婚姻:結構與反抗 HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA conference
2024-05 社工實務中的「風險管理典範」與「關係為本典範」可能之競逐——以社會安全網計畫為例 YEI-WHEI LIN、張淳麒、YI-JU CHEN conference pdf(140)
2024-05 社會安全網計畫下,「以關係為基礎」的社工服務,是否可能? YEI-WHEI LIN、張淳麒 conference pdf(91)
2023-07 My Children, My Fight to the End: Empowering Motherhood and Underdog Strategies of Marriage Migrant Women in Taiwan HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan conference pdf(82)
2023-08 Arts, subjectivation and activism: the effects of art-based advocacy for marriage migrant women in Taiwan HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan conference pdf(92)
2023-12 Decolonising Decolonisation Projects TSEN-YUNG WANG、TSEN-YUNG WANG、Baines, Donna、Silan, Wasiq conference web page(67)
2024-06 建制民族誌與解殖取向的原住民族研究:以長期照顧為例 TSEN-YUNG WANG conference web page(88)
2023-12 原住民族長期照顧的雙面刃:福利殖民,還是民族自決? TSEN-YUNG WANG conference pdf(81)