
Showing 26-50 of 234
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000-09 Testing the Psychological Reality of Coronals I-PING WAN conference
2008-07 The Expressions of Affect in Mandarin Parent-child Conversation CHIUNG-CHIH HUANG conference
2007-07 Communicative functions of other-repetition in child language CHIUNG-CHIH HUANG conference
2007-03 Affect talk in Mandarin parent-child interaction CHIUNG-CHIH HUANG conference
2006-04 A functional analysis of children`s other-repetition CHIUNG-CHIH HUANG conference
2005-12 Repetition in Mandarin child discourse: A discourse-pragmatic perspective CHIUNG-CHIH HUANG conference
2005-07 Contingency relations in Mandarin parent-child conversation CHIUNG-CHIH HUANG conference
2004 Conversational contingency in Mandarin child language CHIUNG-CHIH HUANG conference
2002 Topic initiation in child Mandarin CHIUNG-CHIH HUANG conference
2002 Mandarin-speaking children`s skills of topic initiation in conversation CHIUNG-CHIH HUANG conference
2002 Learning to initiate discourse topics in conversation CHIUNG-CHIH HUANG conference
2000 Maintaining past time reference in Mandarin mother-child conversation CHIUNG-CHIH HUANG conference
2006-05 Rhythmic Diversity: A Corpus Study of Southern Min and Mandarin Finger Rhymes YU-CHAU E. HSIAO、黃婷 conference
2004-10 東勢客家話之聲調連併研究 YU-CHAU E. HSIAO、邱昀儀 conference
2006-04 The Rhythmic Structure of Chinese Child Verse YU-CHAU E. HSIAO、黃婷 conference
2005-05 從語言感知與產生看借音問題 吳耿彰、YU-CHAU E. HSIAO conference
2005-05 借字音韻之一隅:從「幹」到「阿彌陀佛」 YU-CHAU E. HSIAO、呂明昌 conference web page(1281)
2005-05 The Rhythm of Traditional and Creative Nursery Rhymes in Southern Min YU-CHAU E. HSIAO conference
2005-01 Phonological influences: Taiwanese-Mandarin and Mandarin-Taiwanese YU-CHAU E. HSIAO、吳耿彰、陳奕文 conference
2005-01 Tone in Syllable Contraction YU-CHAU E. HSIAO conference
2004-09 從東勢客語看句法變調範疇定義之問題 YU-CHAU E. HSIAO、邱昀儀 conference
2004-05 A Rhythmic Approach to Tone Correspondence: Evidence from Chinese Syllable Contraction YU-CHAU E. HSIAO conference
2004-05 濃濃閩南語口音之原理探尋:調查所謂的「台灣國語」 YU-CHAU E. HSIAO、吳耿彰 conference
2004-05 輕聲與音節連併 YU-CHAU E. HSIAO conference
2003-12 現代漢語音韻的國際觀 YU-CHAU E. HSIAO conference