Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1576-1600 of 1623
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-03 書寫西洋鏡:論陸澹盦偵探影戲小說的跨文化轉化實踐 SHUO-WIN CHEN、SHUO-WIN CHEN article web page(96)
2023-12 「比」、「興」、「文學」─王夢鷗與徐復觀文論之異趣 YING-CHIEH CHEN article web page(153)
2022-09 [書評] 元代《易》學類型研究 RUI- HONG CHEN article web page(82)
2023-06 高明先生的學術關懷與禮學研究 WEN-SHIN JENG article web page(134)
2023-03 敦煌本《釋佛國品手記》與僧、俗講 MING-CHANG YANG article web page(105)
2023-12 Analysis of Ming-Scholar Lu Han’s Theory of “Yuan,” “Heng,” “Li,” “Zhen” on Yixue Tushuo RUI- HONG CHENRUI- HONG CHEN article pdf(143)
2023-03 Hu Chenggong's "Gongyang Ci Bing Jie" Quoted from Wu Jing Yi Yi about the Punctuation Problems in Citing Lost Texts HSING-CHIEN CHEHSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(85)
2023-06 高明先生逝世三十週年紀念座談會紀錄(上) HSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(97)
2023-04 A Preliminary Study of Digital Oracle Bone Photographs in the Nanjing Museum Collection HUNG-MING LINHUNG-MING LIN article web page(70)
2023-06 論衡與指南──高仲華先生《高明文學論叢》述要 CHENG-WEN CHEN article web page(63)
2023-06 A study on records of Xiaokeju of Taiwanese opera that maded in Singapore in the 1960s HSIN-HSIN TSAIHSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(109)
2023-07 立足傳統、返本開新—綜述臺灣南音與崑曲的繼承與發展 HSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(67)
2022-07 返本開新的《昭君.丹青怨》 HSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(67)
2023-05 An Analysis on Three Texts Adapted from Shihouji: The Interaction and Popularity within Qing Court Drama and Folk Drama HSIN-HSIN TSAIHSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(75)
2022-07 歌仔戲《昭君.丹青怨》劇本 HSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(97)
2023-12 《莊子》中「自生」「自化」的一種解釋——兼談文本詮釋的幾個思考 YU-MIN SHIAU article web page(100)
2023-06 指南薪傳──高明先生逝世三十週年紀念專輯前言 HSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(106)
2023-09 詩經在中小學國語文教學的實踐專輯前言 HSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(93)
2023-04 精微之教:陳淳學術與《四書大全》徵引內容考察 FENG-YUAN CHENFENG-YUAN CHEN article web page(82)
2024-06 Mountains, Clans and Channels of Communication: On the Discourse Concerning Scholars and Officials in Xu Zan's "Huashan Fu" and Its Historical Interpretation TUNG-HAI HSU article web page(85)
2023-12 From Experiencing Truth to the Civil Service Examinations -- An Investigation of the Classical Exegesis in Chen Chen's Sishu qianshuo FENG-YUAN CHENFENG-YUAN CHEN article web page(83)
2023-12 復其見天地之心: 重啟朱子之路的緣起及心得 FENG-YUAN CHEN article web page(64)
2023-12 “The strange journey!”: the translation of Arsène Lupine by Zhou Shoujuan at the beginning of the Republic of China in Shanghai SHUO-WIN CHEN、SHUO-WIN CHEN article web page(93)
2023-12 The Construction and Significance of the Image of Yi Yin as a "Good Minister": Focusing on Discussions of the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips CHI-PING LINCHI-PING LIN article web page(70)
1999-06 淺談先秦文化變遷過程中巫在宗教與政治上所扮演的角色 RUI- HONG CHEN article web page(57)