Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 726-739 of 739
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2024-12 The Rise of Asia-Pacific Agribusiness in the Global South—The Corporate Food Regime Under the Third Regionalism YI-CHUN LIN、YI-CHUN LIN article web page(187)
2023-06 [書評]異質「永續」敘事:讀《借土養命:從雲南到金三角,從毒品到永續農業,一個泰北華人社區的民族誌》 HAO-TZU HO、Ho, Hao-tzu article web page(135)
2023-06 Children’s oral health behaviour and new preventative health products in rural China YU-HSUAN SU、SHINN-SHYR WANG、YU-HSUAN SU、JUEI-CHI WANG、SHINN-SHYR WANG article web page(183)
2022-12 Ditching the DPP', 'Resisting China and Preserving Taiwan', and Democracy: Interpreting the results of local elections in 2022 MEI-CHUAN WEIMEI-CHUAN WEI article web page(173)
2021-08 Bringing resource management back into the environmental governance agenda: eco-state restructuring in China YI-CHUN LIN、YI-CHUN LIN article web page(157)
2024-03 COP28, Climate Conference and Taiwan YI-CHUN LIN、賴玟羽、YI-CHUN LIN、Lai, Wen-Yu article web page(59)
2024-12 回顧民初南京政府環境治理議程:《實業計畫》與生態國家、發展學 YI-CHUN LIN、羅頌民 article web page(64)
2023-11 Contemporary Development Studies in Taiwan--An Analysis Using the Heritage of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Thought as the Example YI-CHUN LIN、蔡明翰、Lin, Yi-Chun、Tsai, Ming-Han article web page(53)
2020-04 Changing masculinities in response to environmental impacts of mining: Reflections from Mindre village, Papua New Guinea I-CHANG KUO、Kuo, I-Chang article web page(37)
2024-09 Changing Triangular Relationships: A Historical Analysis of Labour Relations at a Chinese Mine in Papua New Guinea I-CHANG KUO、Kuo, I-Chang article web page(47)
2023-03 Kamapim gutpela man: Papua New Guinean and Chinese refinery workers' changing understandings of becoming a good man I-CHANG KUO、Kuo, I-Chang article web page(56)
2023-04 Cross-Strait Competition in the US on Chinese Language Education: Examining the Taiwan Fellowship Program in the Taiwan Policy Act HSIAO PONG LIU、季宇琦、HSIAO PONG LIU、Ji, Yu-Qi article web page(46)
2022-01 The 50th Anniversary of Taiwan's Withdrawal from the UN: Reviewing Chiang Kai-shek and the Dual Representation Resolution HSIAO PONG LIU、HSIAO PONG LIU article web page(54)
2024-10 Children's oral health behaviour and new preventative health products in rural China YU-HSUAN SU、YU-HSUAN SU、JUEI-CHI WANG、SHINN-SHYR WANG article web page(31)