
Showing 1-25 of 599
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005-12 Value-at-Risk Analysis for Taiwan Stock Index Futures Market 謝淑貞 article
2003 Explaining the Utilization of Managerial Expatriates From the Perspectives of Resource-Based Agency and Transaction Costs Theories 譚丹琪、Tan,Dan-Chi、 Mahoney, Joseph T. article pdf(903)
2002-12 Early Surrender and the Distribution of Policy Reserves 郭維裕蔡政憲陳威光Tsai, Chenghsien Kuo, Weiyu Chen, Wei-Kuang article pdf(1391)
2005-11 估計並檢定短期利率波動性:確定抑或隨機? 李政峰、連春紅、欉清全、郭炳伸 article
2008.06 董監事暨重要職員責任保險之需求因素分析 陳彩稚、龐嘉慧、Chen,Tsai-Jyh、Pang,Chia-Hui article pdf(1030)
2001-11 國際貿易拓銷新利器—論賒銷貿易 蔡孟佳 article
2001-12 善用應收帳款買賣破除信用狀付款的交易迷思 蔡孟佳 article
2002-01 貿易融資新選擇—買斷 蔡孟佳 article
1986-05 縮減貿易順差、有效運用外?存底 林柏生 article
1986-07 新臺幣升值能否解決外?過多問題 林柏生 article
2005-03 全球區域化經濟整合對臺灣經濟的影響--遞迴動態CGE模型之應用 周濟、陳坤銘、郭迺鋒 article
1994-04 從國際貿易之觀點看捷運局與馬特拉公司間之糾紛與仲裁 梁滿潮 article
2002 The effectiveness of different advertising message appeals in the Eastern emerging society: using Taiwanese TV commercials as an example 邱志聖Chiou,Jyh-Shen article pdf(892)
1994-06 賽局理論及其經濟之應用 胡聯國 article
1999-06 Diffusion of A new Product in Individualistic Versus Collectivist Cultural Contexts:Implications for International Marketing 邱志聖Chiou,Jyh-Shen article pdf(1202)
2003-04 Value at risk of life insurance policy reserves 蔡政憲 郭維裕 、 李孟倚 article pdf(1935)
1977-12 A Revised Method for the Force of Mortality by using the Numerical Differentiation of Lagrange`s Interpolation,. 楊懷年、Yang, Hwai-nien article pdf(693)
1983-12 A Revised Method for Determining All Extreme Points to Span a Convex Polytope Under Linear Inequalities,. 楊懷年 article
1986-05 A Note on Finding All the Extreme Points That Span an Unbounded Convex Polytope under Linear Inequalities,. 楊懷年 article
1993-03 信用狀統一規則?規定??見?信用狀取引???? 梁滿潮 article
2006 The effects of satisfaction, opportunism, and asset specificity on consumers` loyalty intention toward internet portal sites 邱志聖、Chiou,Jyh‐Shen、Shen,Chung‐Chi article pdf(826)
1996-05 製造物責任?貿易業者??策????一考察 梁滿潮 article
1996-01 論產品責任與國際貿易 蔡孟佳 article
2002-06 金融政策之檢視 胡聯國 article
1978-05 工業發展路線問題 曹益榔 article