Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 251-275 of 753
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000-12 評《網路時代科技文獻之研究》 LI-KUEI HSUEH article
2000-04 檔案法通過後我國檔案事業建構芻議 LI-KUEI HSUEH article
2000-02 美國總統圖書館之發展與功能 LI-KUEI HSUEHLI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(616)
2000-01 中文檔案描述規則之擬訂 - 基於國際檔案描述標準(ISAD(G)) LI-KUEI HSUEH article
1999-12 我國圖書館年鑑之編輯: 兼評《第三次中華民國圖書館年鑑》 LI-KUEI HSUEH article
1999-04 英澳兩國政府出版品管理機關角色與功能之轉變 LI-KUEI HSUEH article
1999-02 檔案描述編碼格式(EAD)之發展與實施 LI-KUEI HSUEH article
1998 提升我國政府出版品競爭力之芻議 LI-KUEI HSUEH article
1998 圖書館在網際網路提供的讀者服務 LI-KUEI HSUEHLI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(528)
1997 我國高中圖書館館際合作芻議 LI-KUEI HSUEH article
1997 美英兩國電子圖書館之發展:兼論我國發展之途徑 LI-KUEI HSUEH article
1997 檔案鑒定模式:『黑盒子鑒定模式』淺探 LI-KUEI HSUEHLI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(557)
1996 檔案鑒定理論與方法初探 LI-KUEI HSUEH article
1996 知識的門徑--圖書館‧讀書與出版讀後 LI-KUEI HSUEH article
2011-10 從日本311大地震看文化典藏單位在自然災害中所扮演的文化救援角色 LI-KUEI HSUEHLI-KUEI HSUEHLI-KUEI HSUEHLI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(997)
2011-03 Preservation of the Documentary Heritage in Taiwan: The Current Status and Rethinking LI-KUEI HSUEH、周旻邑、莊詒婷、LI-KUEI HSUEH、Chou, Mei-I、Chuang, I-Ting article pdf(1223)
2010-07 A Preliminary Study on Cooperative Collection Development Among Three Kinds of Cultural Repositories LI-KUEI HSUEHLI-KUEI HSUEHLI-KUEI HSUEH、Wu, Yu-Fan Wu article pdf(1791)
2010-06 A Proposition for Establishing the Public Archives in Taiwan LI-KUEI HSUEHLI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1180)
2008-09 The Development of Archival Describing Contents Standard: Based on DACS as Core Discussion Topics LI-KUEI HSUEH、王麗蕉、LI-KUEI HSUEH、Wang, Li-Chiao article pdf(1318)
2008-05 The Establishment of Archival Series Level and Standard Series Number in Taiwan’s Government Institutions LI-KUEI HSUEH、王麗蕉、高君琳、LI-KUEI HSUEH、 Wang, Li-Chiao、 Kao, Chun-Lin article pdf(1284)
2007-11 Promotion of Archives Literacy to the Public : Archives Week/Month and Archives Awareness Month Held in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom LI-KUEI HSUEHLI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1262)
2008-10 An Analysis and Comparison of Scientometric Data between Journals of Physics, Chemistry and Engineering MING-YUEH TSAYMING-YUEH TSAY article pdf(1888)
2006-12 Journal Self-Citation Study for Semiconductor Literature: Synchronous and Diachronous Approach MING-YUEH TSAYMING-YUEH TSAY article pdf(1374)
2008-12 Journal Bibliometric Analysis: A Case Study on the JASIST MING-YUEH TSAYMING-YUEH TSAY article pdf(1376)
2011 Journal Bibliometric Analysis: A Case Study on the Journal of Documentation MING-YUEH TSAYMING-YUEH TSAY article pdf(1706)