Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1276-1300 of 1614
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2015-10 旋翼UAS影像製作飛航事故現場正射影像之精度探討 SHIH-HONG CHIOSHIH-HONG CHIO article pdf(436)
2016-10 論核准區段徵收抵價地比例之法律性質 LI-FU CHEN article web page(653)
2015-09 農地改革、產權界定與土地市場 TZU-CHIN LIN、HSIU-YIN DING、TZU-CHIN LIN、HSIU-YIN DING article web page(878)
2014-11 應用志願性地理資訊於社區物種調查之研究 郭芳妤、JIHN-FA JAN、許世宏、Kuo, Fang-Yu、JIHN-FA JAN、Hsu, Shih-Hung article pdf(452)
2014-09 物件式分類法於高解析度航照影像萃取崩塌地之研究 孔繁恩、JIHN-FA JAN、邵怡誠、李茂園、葉堃生、陳連晃、Kung, Fan-En、JIHN-FA JAN、Shao, Yi-Chen、Li, Mao-Yuan、Yeh, Kuen-Sheng、Chen, Lien-Huang article pdf(516)
2016-11 從住宅價格指數觀察房市景氣未來動向 楊宗憲、PEI-CHING LIN article pdf(76)
2016-11 中國房地產眾籌的興衰 蔡侑呈、PEI-CHING LIN article pdf(291)
2017 Housing bubble contagion from city centre to suburbs Teng, H.-J.、CHIN-OH CHANG、Chen, M.-C.、CHIN-OH CHANG article pdf(682)
2016-12 夏季臺北都會區熱島效應之研究 CHEN-YI SUN、簡子翔、CHEN-YI SUN、Jian, Zi-Xiang article pdf(514)
2017-06 Using Particle Swarm Optimization to Establish a Local Geometric Geoid Model FANG-SHII NING、FANG-SHII NING、FANG-SHII NING、Chen, Chao-Nan、Chen, Chia-Ling article pdf(251)
2017-06 Research into GNSS levelling using network RTK in Taiwan FANG-SHII NING、FANG-SHII NING、FANG-SHII NING article web page(819)
2016-12 Improving the quality of interferometric synthetic aperture radar digital elevation models through a segmentation-based coregistration approach SHIH-YUAN LIN、Lin, Yu-Ching、Lin, Shih-Yuan、Miller, Pauline、Tsai, Ming-Da article web page(803)
2017-02 Investigation of potential volcanic risk from Mt. Baekdu by DInSAR time series analysis and atmospheric correction SHIH-YUAN LIN、SHIH-YUAN LIN、Lin, Shih-Yuan、Yun, Hye-Won、Tsai, Ya-Lun、Seo, Hwa-Jung、Hong, Sungwook、Choi, YunSoo article pdf(667)
2017-03 臺北市公共住宅對周圍住宅價格之影響 CHIN-OH CHANGCHIN-OH CHANGYING-HUI CHIANGCHIN-OH CHANG article pdf(1021)
2017 Prospects for Sub-Regional Cooperation in Fujian and Taiwan from Perspective of Urban Planning System:A Case Study of Pingtan Experimental Area JEN-TE PAI、Shen, Zhenjiang、JEN-TE PAI、Kobayashi, Fumihiko、JEN-TE PAI article pdf(436)
2017 An integrated approach to evaluating and selecting green logistics providers for sustainable development Wang, Chia-Nan、Ho, Hong-Xuyen Thi、Luo, Shih-Hsiung、Lin, Tsung-Fu article pdf(381)
2017 Editorial introduction: Special issue on "BIM and VR technology" JEN-TE PAI、MENG-RONG LI、JEN-TE PAI article pdf(474)
2015-05 Using Coordinate Vector Correction Method to Reduce the Differences between the Digitized Graphic Areas and the Registered Areas of Cadastral Map FANG-SHII NING、Tu, Chen-Pang、FANG-SHII NING article pdf(529)
2014 台灣老人居住安排與生活滿意度關係之區域差異分析 陳淑美、林佩萱、Chen, Shu-Mei、Lin, Pei-Syuan article web page(585)
2014-11 Robust cadastral coordinate transformation based on least absolute deviation LAO-SHENG LIN、Lin, Laosheng、Lin, Yichun article web page(632)
2017-07 Preliminary Study of UAS Equipped with Thermal Camera for Volcanic Geothermal Monitoring in Taiwan. SHIH-HONG CHIOSHIH-HONG CHIO、Lin, Cheng-Horng article pdf(642)
2017-07 What forces drive the dynamic interaction between regional housing prices? MING-CHI CHEN、FANG-NI CHU、MING-CHI CHEN、FANG-NI CHU、MING-CHI CHEN、 Lu, Chien-Lin article web page(794)
2016 A study on location-based priority of soil and groundwater pollution remediation 蘇偉強、TSUNG-YU LAI、Li, Chia Nung、Lo, Chien Wen、Su, Wei Chiang、TSUNG-YU LAI、Hsieh, Tsu Kuang article pdf(552)
2016-12 VBS RTK GPS-assisted self-calibration bundle adjustment for aerial triangulation of fixed-wing uas images for updating topographic maps [Autocalibração de Cameras com uso de VBS RTK para fotogriangulação de Imagens UAS para atualização de mapas topográficos] SHIH-HONG CHIOSHIH-HONG CHIO article pdf(463)
2016-10 非都市土地開發許可之性質與作用 HSIU-HSIUNG TAI article pdf(530)