Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 501-525 of 648
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2019-03 Joint modeling of longitudinal binary data and survival data Hwang, Y.T.、CHIA-HUI HUANG、Huang, C.-H.、Wang, C.C.、Lin, T.Y.、Tseng, Y.K. article pdf(315)
2017-01 Regression analysis for bivariate gap time with missing first gap time data CHIA-HUI HUANG、Huang, C.-H.、NAI-SHING YEN article pdf(304)
2016-04 The weighted general linear model for longitudinal medical cost data-an application in colorectal cancer Hwang, Y.T.、CHIA-HUI HUANG、Huang, C.-H.、Yeh, W.L.、Shen, Y.D. article pdf(208)
2017-07 Semiparametric regression analysis of recurrent gap times in the presence of competing risks CHIA-HUI HUANG、Huang, C.-H.、NAI-SHING YEN、Chuang, Y.-W. article pdf(314)
2017-12 Subdistribution regression for recurrent events under competing risks: with application to shunt thrombosis study in dialysis patients CHIA-HUI HUANG、Huang, C.-H.、Li, B.、Chen, C.-M.、Wang, W.、NAI-SHING YEN article pdf(582)
2012-01 Flexible semiparametric analysis of longitudinal genetic studies by reduced rank smoothing Wang, Y.、CHIA-HUI HUANG、Huang, C.-H.、Fang, Y.、Qiong, Y.、Li, R. article pdf(262)
2012-07 Semiparametric variance components models for genetic studies with longitudinal phenotypes Wang, Y.、CHIA-HUI HUANG、Huang, C.-H. article pdf(250)
2019-04 Subordinates’ Competency: A Potential Trigger for Workplace Ostracism CHIEN-CHIH KUO、TSUNG-CHI CHENG、CHIEN-CHIH KUO、TSUNG-CHI CHENG、Chang, Kirk、 Quinton, Sarah、 Lee, Iling、 Huang, Shun-Kai article pdf(265)
2019-07 Do Domestic Immigrants Live Longer? An Approach for Estimating Life Expectancy of Small Populations CHING-SYANG YUECHING-SYANG YUE、王信忠*、Wang, Hsin-Chung、王子瑜、Wang, Tzu-Yu article pdf(271)
2019-02 Stock Index Options Pricing under Jump Patterns Driven by Market States 劉惠美*、Liu, Huimei、Lin, Chao-Yang、CHIA-CHING LEE、SHIH-KUEI LIN article pdf(286)
2019-09 Cooperation in an Assortative Matching Prisoners Dilemma Experiment with Pro-Social Dummies CHING-SYANG YUE、Yue, Ching-Syang Jack、楊春雷、Yang, Chun-Lei article pdf(256)
2019-07 Tensor Decomposition for Dimension Reduction TZEE-MING HUANG、Huang, Su-Yun、TZEE-MING HUANG、Cheng, Yu-Hsiang article web page(515)
2019-04 Children`s Use of Mobile Devices, Smartphone Addiction and Parental Mediation in Taiwan JENG-TUNG CHIANGJENG-TUNG CHIANGJENG-TUNG CHIANGJENG-TUNG CHIANG、陳炳宏、Chen, Ping-Hung、莊弘毅、Chuang, Hung-Yi、邱瓊慧、Chiu, Chiung-Hui、劉淑美、Liu, Shumei、苗迺芳、Miao, Nae-Fang article pdf(393)
2018-04 Application of Mokken Scale: An Example of Attitudes toward Language Learning and Use with Longitudinal Data JENG-TUNG CHIANGJENG-TUNG CHIANG、廖培珊、Liao*, Pei-shan、林定香、Lin, Ting-Hsiang article pdf(419)
2020-05 Transitions in Smartphone Addiction Proneness among Children: The Effect of Gender and Use Patterns JENG-TUNG CHIANGJENG-TUNG CHIANG、李坤瑋、Lee, Kun-Wei、許斯淵、Hsu, Szu-Yuan、JENG-TUNG CHIANGJENG-TUNG CHIANG article pdf(373)
2018-09 Service quality variation monitoring using the interquartile range control chart SU-FEN YANGSU-FEN YANG、Jiang, Ting-An article web page(337)
2019-06 Using National Health Insurance Database to Evaluate the Health Care Utilization of Taiwan`s Elderly CHING-SYANG YUECHING-SYANG YUE、王信忠、Wang, Hsin-Chung、許筱翎、Hsu, Hsiao-Ling article pdf(317)
2019-12 Mortality Differential and Social Insurance: A Case Study in Taiwan CHING-SYANG YUE、Yu, Jack C.、張智凱、Chang, Chih-Kai、陳妍彣、Chen, Yen-Wen、Chen, Chian-Jing article pdf(280)
2020-03 健保資料與抽樣調查 CHING-SYANG YUE、Yu, Jack C.、簡于閔、梁穎誼 article pdf(316)
2021-06 Categorical Exploratory Data Analysis: From Multiclass Classification and Response Manifold Analytics perspectives of baseball pitching dynamics PEI-TING CHOU、Chou,  Elizabeth P.、Hsieh, Fushing article web page(511)
2020-05 Locating Infinite Discontinuities in Computer Experiments YING-CHAO HUNG、YING-CHAO HUNG、Michailidis, G.、Lok, H.P.H. article pdf(221)
2020-05 Tumor phase recognition using cone‐beam computed tomography projections and external surrogate information YING-CHAO HUNG、YING-CHAO HUNG、Tsai, P.F.、Yan, G.、Liu, C.、Kahler, D. L.、Park, J.Y.、Potter, N.、Li, J.G.、Lu, B. article pdf(265)
2020-03 Loss-based control charts for monitoring non-normal process data SU-FEN YANGSU-FEN YANG、Shen, Lijuan article pdf(220)
2021-06 Parent–Child Discrepancies in Reports of Exposure to Violence/Pornography on Mobile Devices and the Impact on Children`s Psychosocial Adjustment JENG-TUNG CHIANGJENG-TUNG CHIANG、Liu, Shumei、JENG-TUNG CHIANG、Chiu, Chiung-Hui article pdf(299)
2020-05 Suppression and enhancement in multiple linear regression: A viewpoint from the perspective of a semipartial correlation coefficient JENG-TUNG CHIANGJENG-TUNG CHIANG、Hsu, Szu-Yuan article pdf(320)