Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 126-150 of 192
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2015 《跨界流離:全球化下的移民與移工》書評 林珮婷 article
2016-09 なぜ政権は交代したか? 2016 年台湾総統‧立法委員選挙の観察 CHIA-HUNG TSAI article pdf(229)
2017-06 Physical mechanism for biopolymers to aggregate and maintain in non-equilibrium states WEN-JONG MA、胡進錕、WEN-JONG MA、Hu, Chin-Kun article pdf(484)
2014-11 Political Polarization in Taiwan: An Analysis on Mass Feeling Thermometer toward Political Parties YI-CHING HSIAO、Hsiao, Yi-Ching article pdf(497)
2016-12 立委選制票票不等值的源由與影響 Nathan F. Batto、Nathan F. Batto article pdf(363)
2017-09 Exploring the Use of Telephone Surveys and Propensity Score Adjustments to Correct Web Survey Biases ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、涂志揚、Tu, Chih-yang article pdf(566)
2017-10 Determinants of Political Participation in Taiwan: From A Viewpoint of Citizenship Norms ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、翁定暐、Weng, Ting-wei article pdf(1112)
2017-09 探討以電訪資料 及「入選機率調整法」 修正網路調查偏誤的可行性 ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、涂志揚、Tu, Chih-yang article pdf(652)
2017-11 影響台灣民眾政治參與的因素:從公民規範認知的觀點出發 ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、翁定暐、Weng, Ting-wei article pdf(808)
2006-11 「台灣選舉與民主化調查」再測信度之分析 YI-CHING HSIAO article pdf(300)
2017-12 選舉預測:利用全國性調查推估區域立委選情 ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、涂志揚 article pdf(417)
2007-09 New Voters` Political Attitudes and the Future of Taiwan`s Democracy YI-CHING HSIAO、Hsiao, Yi-Ching、CHING-HSIN YU article pdf(437)
2006-12 Changes in Demographic Characteristics and Political Attitudes of Newspaper Readers in Taiwan: 1992~2004 YI-CHING HSIAO、Hsiao, Yi-Ching article pdf(399)
2007-09 Committee Selection in the Legislative Yuan: The Fifth Term Legislative Yuan YI-CHING HSIAO、Hsiao, Yi-Ching article pdf(418)
2009-06 Perception of Electoral Rules and Voting Participation: A Multilevel Analysis in 2008 Legislative Yuan Election YI-CHING HSIAO、Shiao, Yi-Ching article pdf(422)
2018-05 選舉差距、現任者優勢、新聞報導以及預測市場價格:探討台灣2016立委選舉的捐款與支出 CHIA-HUNG TSAICHIA-HUNG TSAI article pdf(394)
2016-12 The Referendum in Taiwan from 2004 to 2008 As A Substitute Battle of Major Political Parties at the National Assembly of Taiwan CHING-HSIN YU、淺野和生、Asano, Kazuo article web page(606)
2019-08 Different Immigrants, Same Attitudes? Making Sense of the Association between Two Immigrant Groups CHIA-HUNG TSAI、Tsai, Tsung-han*、CHIA-HUNG TSAICHI HUANG article pdf(391)
2019-05 An analysis of the 2014 New Zealand general election: do Internet use and online party mobilisation matter? TAN ALEXANDER C.、CHIA-HUNG TSAI、TAN ALEXANDER C.、CHIA-HUNG TSAI、Jung, Koochul article web page(503)
2019-02 The Linkage Between Issue Ownership Perception and Campaign Advertising: A Case Study of the 2012 Taiwan Presidential Election ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、Hsu, Pei-chen article pdf(385)
2019-02 Personality Traits and Individual Attitude toward the Independence–Unification Issue in Taiwan CHIA-HUNG TSAICHIA-HUNG TSAI、Wang, Ching-hsing、Weng, Dennis article pdf(321)
2019-04 Unfolding the Pattern of Contentious Participation in Taiwan CHIA-HUNG TSAICHIA-HUNG TSAI article pdf(322)
2019-12 Government Performance, Civic Culture, and Satisfaction with Democracy CHIA-HUNG TSAICHIA-HUNG TSAI article pdf(293)
2020-05 Generational Difference of Taiwan Identity - the Effects on Vote Choice in the 2016 Presidential Election 林珮婷、Lin, Pei-ting、SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG、Te-Yu Wang、Wang, T.Y. article pdf(431)
2020-02 Polarization Perception and Support for Democracy: The Case of Taiwan ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、Hsiao, Yi-Ching article pdf(292)