Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 601-625 of 648
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-12 On the Insurance Pool for Offshore Wind Power YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU、JAN-JUY LINCHENG-WEI WANG、蘇姿樺 article web page(321)
2021-09 Does Size and Book-to-Market Contain Intangible Information about Managerial Incentives? Learning from Corporate D&O Insurance Purchase SHIH-CHING JENGSHIH-CHING JENG、Huang, Rachel J.、Wang, Cheng-Wei、YueChing, Jack C.、Yue, Syang Jack article pdf(213)
2021-09 Explaining the risk premiums of life settlements MING-HUA HSIEHMING-HUA HSIEH、Kung, Ko-Lun、JIN-LUNG PENG、Tsai, Chenghsien Jason、LI-LING WANG article pdf(165)
2021-05 How can an economic scenario generation model cope with abrupt changes in financial markets? MING-HUA HSIEHMING-HUA HSIEHWEIYU KUO、Tsai, Chenghsien Jason、MING-HUA HSIEHCHENG-HSIEN TSAI article pdf(246)
2022-03 Multi-population Mortality Modeling: When the Data is Too Much and Not Enough CHENG-HSIEN TSAIWEIYU KUO、Tsai, Chenghsien Jason、WEIYU KUO、Kung, Ko-Lun、MacMinn, Richard D. article web page(309)
2021-10 On Voluntary Terminations of Life Insurance: Differentiating Surrender Propensity from Lapse Propensity across Product Types CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、Tsai, Chenghsien Jason、Hwang, Yawen、Chan, Linus Fang-Shu article web page(213)
2021-03 Reconstruction of Insurable Interest in Life Insurance: A Perspective from Insurance Trust and Relevant Products CHUN-YUAN CHEN、Chen, Chun-yuan article web page(307)
2021-12 只怕陌生人?論人身保險、保險利益與公序良俗 CHUN-YUAN CHEN、Chen, Chun-yuan article web page(244)
2021-10 A Primary Introduction to the Treating Customers Fairly Principle CHUN-YUAN CHEN、Chen, Chun-yuan、李虹翎、Li, Hung-ling article web page(248)
2021-04 A Legal Empirical Study of the Fairness and Reasonable Principles of Financial Consumer Protection Law CHUN-YUAN CHEN、Chen, Chun-yuan、朱勗華、廖晨旭、賴彥傑、Chu, Hsu-hua、Liao, Chen-hsu、Lai, Yen-chieh article web page(183)
2019-03 The Impact of Capital on Bank Performance YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU、李惠妍、王綺楓、Lee, Hui-yen、Wang, Chi-feng article web page(264)
2021-06 Reflections on CSR Awards in Taiwan YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU、SHIH CHING LIU、張詠晴、陳厚儒、Liu, Shih-ching、Chang, Ariana、Chen, Tino Hou-ru article web page(329)
2021-11 A Novel Trading Strategy Framework Based on Reinforcement Deep Learning for Financial Market Predictions MING-HUA HSIEHMING-HUA HSIEH、Cheng, Li-Chen、Huang, Yu-Hsiang、RAY-LIN TSO article web page(233)
2022-06 Index-based renewable energy insurance for Taiwan Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants TSUNG-CHI CHENGSHIH-CHIEH CHANG、SHIH-CHIEH LIAO、Chang, Shih-Chieh、TSUNG-CHI CHENG、Liao, Shih-Chieh article web page(303)
2022-06 天氣效應是否存在保險市場? JIN-LUNG PENG、JIN-LUNG PENG、陳彥志、陳奕帆、古乙辰、Chen, Yen-chih、Chen, Yi-fan、Ku, Yi-chen article web page(294)
2022-09 Modeling pandemic mortality risk and its application to mortality-linked security pricing SHARON S. YANG、HONG-CHIH HUANG、SHARON S. YANG、HONG-CHIH HUANG、Chen, Fen-Ying article web page(243)
2019-06 The Interpretation of Policy Wordings and the Burden of Proof in Personal Accident Insurance: Examining the Supreme Court Civil Judgment 102 Tai-Shang-Tzu 578 JAN-JUY LIN、葉力旗、JAN-JUY LIN、Yeh, Li-Chi article web page(153)
2022-08 Propitious/Adverse Selection or Moral Hazard? Information Asymmetry in the Reinsurance Markets YUNG-MING SHIU article web page(247)
2022-07 初探防疫保單之亂 CHUN-YUAN CHEN article web page(173)
2022-06 談保險業務員之勞務契約、新近判決與保險法第177條修正草案 CHUN-YUAN CHEN article web page(196)
2022-12 A Study on Execution of Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance Policy: A Comparative and Empirical Perspective CHUN-YUAN CHEN、Chen, Chun-Yuan article web page(238)
2022-08 論防疫保險契約之解釋--以快篩陽性視為確診、居家照護視同住院、陪同隔離為例 CHUN-YUAN CHEN article web page(178)
2022-09 Evaluation Indicators for Defined Benefit Pension Plans and an Application to Plans in Taiwan HONG-CHIH HUANGHONG-CHIH HUANG、郭又瑄、HONG-CHIH HUANGHONG-CHIH HUANG、Kuo, Yu-hsuan article web page(179)
2023-05 Contingent factors of the coinsurance function of internal capital markets: Evidence from the US nonlife insurance industry YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU、Hsiao, Ching-Yuan article web page(169)
2023-05 Risk-sharing Function in Internal Capital Markets: Evidence from Intragroup Reinsurance Activities YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU、Hsiao, Ching-Yuan article web page(169)