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題名: 複合動詞に見る語形成のモジュール性―「V始める」と「開V」の対照を中心に―
The Modular Nature of Word Formation in Compound Verbs-a contrastive study in 「V-hajimeru」 and 「kai-V」-
作者: 王蓓淳
Wang, Pei Tsuen
關鍵詞: 模組構詞論; 複合動詞; 構詞; 概念結構; 時貌
日期: 六月-2014
上傳時間: 30-八月-2016
摘要: 日語複合動詞「V始める」與漢語複合動詞「開V」皆是表示時貌的複合動詞,但是在語意解釋上兩者卻不盡相同。本論文以模組構詞論為研究基礎,對「V始める」與「開V」的構詞部門,構詞方式與語意結構進行分析,認為「V始める」與「開V」在語意解釋上的差異起因於「V始める」與「開V」是在不同的部門生成的複合動詞;「V始める」是在語法部門構成的複合動詞,而「開V」是在詞彙部門構成的複合動詞。由於「V始める」與「開V」兩者分屬不同的生成部門,導致兩者的構詞方式不同,也因而引導出不同的語意解釋。針對部分「V始める」與「開V」在語意解釋上的對應可能性,本文認為是起因於相同的構詞方式(補語結構)。這部分的觀察結果也與模組構詞論相同;模組構詞論認為即是在不同部門成立的動詞,若構詞方式相同,就有可能引導出相同的語意解釋。本論文以「V始める」與「開V」為研究對象,說明模組構詞論能夠對日語複合動詞與漢語複合動詞中存在的語意差異做出有效的解釋。
Though both Japanese and Chinese allow aspectual compounds of the form V-V, there are many semantic differences between Japanese aspectual compound [V-hajimeru] and Chinese aspectual compound [kai-V]. I argue in this article that the sematic difference results from different lexical conceptual structures and different word-formation rules. We demonstrate that [V-hajimeru] is formed in syntactic structure level and [kai-V] is formed in conceptual structure level. The difference in word-forming level make these two compound verbs, [V-hajimeru] and [kai-V], be governed by different word-forming rules. It also make these two verbs, [V-hajimeru] and [kai-V], have different mechanism of semantic. The result of this paper supports the claim that many differences in compound verbs among Japanese and Chinese can be accounted for with modular theory.
關聯: 政大日本研究,第十一號吉田妙子教授退休紀念論集,313-341
Chengchi journal of Japanese studies
資料類型: article

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