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類別的 Items (排序方式 遞交日期 遞減 ): 1 to 15 of 15
27-十月-2016康德的知識原理之檢討孫振青; Sun, Stanislaus
27-十月-2016皮亞傑及柯爾柏的道德發展理論對於道德課程內容與實施之啟示邱錦昌; Chiu, Jun-chang
27-十月-2016教育機會公平性之研究林文達; Lin, Wen-dar
27-十月-2016淮南子的無為思想李增; Lee, Tseng
27-十月-2016帛書老子校劉師培「老子斠補」疏證拾遺葉程義; Yeh, Cheng-yih
27-十月-2016尚書無逸篇大義探討李振興; Lee, Chen-hsing
27-十月-2016Teaching Chinese (Gwoyu) as a Foreign Language in American Higher Educational Institutions: An Exploratory Study劉興漢; Liu, David Hsin-han
27-十月-2016The Problem of Meaning in Narrative and Ricoeur`s Hermeneutics沈清松; Shen, Vincent Tsing-song
27-十月-2016Land Reform: Its Impact on the Labor Intensity of Cultivation林敬民; Lin, Jing-min
27-十月-2016A Revised Method for Determining all Extreme Points to Span a Convex Polytope Under Linear Inequalities楊懷年; Yang, Hwai-nein
27-十月-2016中根千枝著:「縱向社會的人群關係」之書評林顯宗; Lin, Hsien-tiung
27-十月-2016墨子教育思想之研究林萬義; Lin, Wan-yih
27-十月-2016論觀音與西遊故事張靜二; Chang, Ching-erh
27-十月-2016都市結構的成長與分化:居住分化的分析架構謝高橋; Hsieh, Kao-Chiao
1-十二月-2008Whose is The Bed of The Sea? The Problem of Continental Shelf Delimitation In Relation To Small Islands: Part I趙國材
類別的 Items (排序方式 遞交日期 遞減 ): 1 to 15 of 15