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類別的 Items (排序方式 遞交日期 遞減 ): 1 to 10 of 10
10-一月-2017我國人力資本投資取向之研究林文達; Lin, Wen Dar
10-一月-2017先秦政治思想中的禪讓觀念蔡明田; Tsai, Ming-tien
9-一月-2017On the Convergence Rate of Least-Square Estimators in Linear Regression\nModels林光賢;李賜郎; Lin, Kuang-hsien;Li, Shin-lang
5-十二月-2016The Minquiers and Ecrehos Case (France-United Kingdom): Legal Analysis of\nthe Decision of the International Court of Justice趙國材; Chao, J. K. T.
5-十二月-2016The Acquisition of Three Temporal Adverbs by Two English-Speaking Childern江敏之; Chiang, Min-jy
5-十二月-2016從各學科典範變遷趨勢檢討公共組織理論實證研究的限制及其突破的可行性吳瓊恩; Wu, Chyung-en
5-十二月-2016唐代吐蕃政治制度之研究林冠群; Lin, Guan-chuan
5-十二月-2016編纂《全漢賦》之商榷簡宗梧; Chien, Tsung-Wu
22-七月-2009The Imagery in Li Ho`s Poetry李文彬
類別的 Items (排序方式 遞交日期 遞減 ): 1 to 10 of 10