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dc.contributor.advisorWang, Tseng-Yungen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsu, Ko-Yien_US
dc.creatorHsu, Ko-Yien_US
dc.description.abstractThe inspiration for my thesis came from a domestic violence social worker who complained that attending “Safety Network” conference is like acting in a show. From my understanding of “Domestic Violence Safety Networks” in college, these are programs for “high-risk” domestic abuse victims who are subsequently referred to the network conference. At this conference, the domestic violence network work together to explore possible safety options and coordinate resources for the victims. Ideally, the “Domestic Violence Safety Network” uses limited resources effectively. However, when it comes to a social work field, it becomes a “show act”. Based on this disjuncture, I decided to examine these conferences from a social worker’s perspective, using Institutional Ethnography as the analytical approach, to clarify the issue of why social workers are acting in the Safety Network.\r\n\r\nI started my fieldwork as a social worker. Through my working experience, I found that nation`s adhering to the ideology of, “Safety is the top priority” with regard to domestic violence, tended to control how network members nanny battered women. When texts are activated in the institution, high-risk classification typically centers on a battered women`s “safety” need to the exclusion of all others. Eventually, these “safety networks” fail to understand the multifaceted needs of abused women, and this, in turn, makes network resources more difficult to access.\r\n\r\nAs a domestic violence social worker, safety and autonomy for abused women must be balanced. As a tool to mitigate the struggle between the “client’s best institutional interest” and the “client’s self-determination”, “acting with the safety script” appears to be a solution for social workers. In this way, battered women were able to remove their high-risk label while social workers were liberated from various processes and regulations. Hence, “acting” is the way by which social workers overcome this contradiction, bringing social work back to a less rigid set of working conditions, and increasing their overall flexibility in dealing with clients.\r\n\r\n The research maps the social relations of the “Safety Network,” determining where social workers stand with respect to this framework institution, how their “safety lens” are activated, and what aspects of it dominate their work. Once social workers understand how this framework functions, it may increase their potential for constructively opposing it.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 研究的起點:「演戲」作為斷裂的抵抗? 3\r\n第一節 學生時代初識家暴社會工作 3\r\n第二節 家暴安全網作為家暴防治的萬靈丹? 5\r\n第三節 研究問題的形成 6\r\n第二章 文獻回顧 9\r\n第一節 家暴安全網絡的推展過程與背景脈絡 9\r\n第二節 透識家暴安全網 14\r\n第三節 遇見社工的斷裂:台灣家暴安全網的實施現況 20\r\n第三章 「建制民族誌」,另一種解謎的途徑 29\r\n第一節 建制民族誌:「另類」的研究路徑 30\r\n第二節 細說建制民族誌:建制民族誌的重要概念介紹 33\r\n第三節 我的「解牛」工具:選用建制民族誌 36\r\n第四節 我的「解牛」藍圖:研究設計 38\r\n第四章 高危機下不能說的愛情 49\r\n第一節 高危機之外,不開案的小青 49\r\n第二節 誤闖高危機大觀園 60\r\n第三節 身歷其境後的認知失調:參與高危機會議 64\r\n第四節 我的高危機創傷後症候群:被「安全視框」綁架 71\r\n第五節 拆解被綁架的工作:高危機的安全意識 74\r\n第六節 關關難過,關關過:社工的除管之路 82\r\n第五章 高危機真安全? 91\r\n第一節 高危機個案的建構:持武器的相對人與拒絕安置的被害人 91\r\n第二節 生活脈絡中的爸爸 V.S. 建制中的危險人物 92\r\n第三節 如果放手了,是不是什麼都沒有了:相對人不被聽見的聲音 95\r\n第四節 小瑾真安全? 96\r\n第五節 以「保護」為名:弱勢化的被害人 98\r\n第六節 對「失落」的失明:妖魔化的相對人 100\r\n第七節 小紅帽與大惡狼:拳頭與權頭的野蠻與文明 100\r\n第六章 社工不被信任的歷史建構 103\r\n第一節 社工專業之死:風險控制的鐵牢籠 103\r\n第二節 為什麼社工要演戲? 111\r\n第三節 失控的理性:「安全控管」下的暴力治理 115\r\n第四節 社工在安全網中的權力地圖 120zh_TW
dc.format.extent3695570 bytes-
dc.title家暴社工,我們為什麼要「演戲」? ──家暴安全網的建制民族誌分析zh_TW
dc.title“Social Workers - Why are we Acting?” : An Institutional Ethnographic Analysis of Domestic Violence Safety Networkzh_TW
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