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dc.contributor.authorQiao, Jie Qiongen_US
dc.creatorQiao, Jie Qiongen_US
dc.description.abstractThe service for people with psychosocial disability is deeply influenced by the modern psychiatry, which tends to see the person as a diagnosis rather than a man / women. As the interpretation of mental illness is becoming more diverse, there comes some alternative treatment methods, which emphasize the individuality of people with psychosocial disability, using social structure orientation and strength-based thinking. The art group and art exhibition studied in this paper are also based on above philosophy. \n\nThrough in-depth interviews with five people with psychosocial disability and visual assessment on their artworks, this study aims to understand their changing experience in the art group and art exhibition. This study starts with the life stories and artworks of the five interviewees, stressing them as unique individuals with own personality then thoughts rather than those imposed stereotypes of people with psychosocial disability. Based on the depth understanding of every interviewees, the study described their experience in the art group allowing them to feel peaceful and focused, and through art making they were able to express and develop awareness of self, hence promoting changes in self and relationships. The art group described in this study used nonstructural working method, which allowed the group leader and social workers to become closer to the inner world of people with psychosocial disability. With time, shared self-experiences emerged among the art group members, and the group started to evolve towards more social participation in ways of art exhibition. The art exhibition provided them a platform for real interaction with the society, for formulation of new identity, for opportunities to learn interpersonal skills and emotion control, and for diminishing stigmatization through emotional empathy.\n\nKeywords: people with psychosocial disability, personal stories, art group, art exhibitionen_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機 2\n第二節 問題背景 5\n第三節 研究問題與研究目的 7\n第二章 文獻探討 9\n第一節 精神障礙服務模式之轉型 9\n第二節 「基於藝術的實踐」對精神障礙者之運用及成效 21\n第三節 展覽作為精障者發聲的工具 40\n第三章 研究方法與設計 47\n第一節 研究場域 48\n第二節 研究典範 50\n第三節 研究對象 52\n第四節 資料蒐集與分析方法 53\n第五節 研究倫理與研究關係 60\n第六節 研究嚴謹度 64\n第四章 我們的故事 66\n第一節 從創傷中復元篇I:優無的故事 67\n第二節 從創傷中復元篇II:蕾心的故事 75\n第三節 重回現實磨練篇I:鄭彥的故事 82\n第四節 重回現實磨練篇II:中維的故事 89\n第五節 走出疾病保護傘篇:福星的故事 98\n第五章 傾聽畫面的聲音 107\n第一節 優無作品 109\n第二節 蕾心作品 115\n第三節 鄭彥作品 120\n第四節 中維作品 125\n第五節 福星作品 127\n第六章 繪畫團體參與經驗 135\n第一節 繪畫團體的日常畫面 135\n第二節 繪畫團體的發展脈絡 136\n第三節 我們經驗了甚麼 142\n第四節 我們共有的社會處境 161\n第七章 展覽參與經驗 164\n第一節 展覽前的醞釀 164\n第二節 置身展覽現場 175\n第三節 回看展覽經驗 178\n第八章 研究者後記 190\n參考文獻 195\n中文文獻 195\n英文文獻 197\n附件一:研究參與知情同意書 200\n附件二:訪談大綱 202zh_TW
dc.format.extent5252167 bytes-
dc.subjectPeople with psychosocial disabilityen_US
dc.subjectPersonal storiesen_US
dc.subjectArt groupen_US
dc.subjectArt exhibitionen_US
dc.titleArt group to art exhibition : personal stories of people with psychosocial disabilityen_US
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