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dc.contributor.authorWang, Miao Yinen_US
dc.creatorWang, Miao Yinen_US
dc.description.abstract新興市場之一的俄羅斯具有龐大消費市場,擁有約一億四千三百萬人口。台灣諸多企業重視其商業潛力,紛紛有意拓展俄羅斯市場。近年來俄羅斯網路蓬勃發展,社群網站儼然成為俄羅斯獨特的社交媒介。台灣廠商亦針對俄羅斯消費族群,利用社群媒體行銷推廣產品與品牌,藉此增加消費者購買動機,進一步提升銷售業績,並提高品牌知名度與忠誠度。然而,俄羅斯社群媒體使用狀況與成熟市場不盡相同,行銷操作的方式亦有差異。因此如何透過俄羅斯社群媒體行銷?何種型式與內容能夠獲得目標客群的關注?乃為廠商推廣品牌與產品至俄羅斯應考量的議題。是故,本研究觀察個案廠商華碩(ASUS)與宏碁(ACER)於俄羅斯Vkontakte社群專頁貼文的型式、內容與績效。將貼文分為四個構面:生動性(Vividness)、篇幅長度(Message Length)、發文時間(Posting Time)、內容類型(Content Type),並以參與率(Engagement Rate)探究社群經營型式與內容的績效,以期讓台灣更多業者能熟悉俄羅斯社群媒體行銷方式,發展出合宜的社群行銷策略。研究結果發現,兩家廠商皆最常發布中篇貼文,且中篇貼文參與率最高。兩者最常發布照片加文字加連結結構之貼文,然而照片加文字結構的參與率略高於照片加文字加連結型式貼文。華碩最常於週五發布貼文,且週五的貼文參與率最高;宏碁最常在週一發布貼文,然而週六的參與率最高。華碩最常在中午十二點發布貼文,但參與率最高的時段段除了中午十二點還包含下午三點;宏碁則最常於午夜十二點發布貼文,且該時段參與率最高。貼文內容方面,兩家廠商最常發布商品資訊型貼文,而參與率最佳之貼文為互動娛樂型。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRussia is an emerging market where possesses population of over 143 million. Several Taiwanese enterprises greatly value its commercial potential and have intention to explore Russian market. In recent years Taiwanese enterprises target Russian consumers and promote their products and brands through social media in order to accelerate buying motives, improve sales performance, and increase brand reputation. However, usage of social media and methods of marketing in Russia are quite different from mature markets. How to manage marketing via Russian social media? What types of format and content can grab attention of target audience? These questions are worth considering for enterprises. Therefore, this research aims to observe the fan pages of ASUS and ACER and examine their format, content, and performance in Vkontakte. This research divides posts into four dimensions: vividness, message length, posting time, and content type. Furthermore, this research measures the performance of format and content by ER. The result of this research is beneficial for enterprises to get a deeper understanding of marketing approaches via Russian social media and come up with feasible social media marketing strategies for product and brand promotion. The results demonstrated that both of the companies published medium-length posts most frequently, and such posts received the highest ER. Both of them published posts in the format of pictures plus words plus links most frequently. However, the format of pictures plus words received the highest ER. ASUS published posts on Fridays most frequently, and posts on Fridays received the highest ER. ACER published posts on Mondays most frequently, but posts on Saturdays received the highest ER. ASUS published posts at 12:00 most frequently, but 15:00 also received the highest ER including posts at 12:00. ACER published posts at 00:00 most frequently, and posts at 00:00 received the highest ER. In terms of content type, both of the companies published posts with product information most frequently. Nevertheless, posts with interactive entertainment content received the highest ER.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第壹章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機 1\n第二節 研究目的 2\n第三節 文獻探討 3\n第四節 理論架構與研究方法 11\n第五節 研究範圍與限制 18\n第六節 研究流程與章節安排 20\n第貳章 俄羅斯消費性電子市場與社群媒體 23\n第一節 消費性電子產品市場趨勢 23\n第二節 網際網路與社群平台發展現況 28\n第三節 Vkontakte使用者分析 33\n第四節 小結 38\n第參章 台灣廠商社群媒體經營模式比較分析 39\n第一節 個案背景 39\n第二節 型式分析 45\n第三節 內容分析 50\n第四節 小結 54\n第肆章 台灣廠商社群媒體經營績效比較分析 55\n第一節 型式績效分析 55\n第二節 內容績效分析 68\n第三節 小結 80\n第伍章 結論 82\n第一節 研究成果 82\n第二節 策略建議 84\n第三節 後續研究建議 87\n參考文獻 89zh_TW
dc.format.extent3427165 bytes-
dc.subjectSocial media performanceen_US
dc.subjectEngagement rateen_US
dc.titleA study of Russian social media performance of Taiwanese consumer electronics companiesen_US
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