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dc.description.abstractTransitioning from military to civilian life has been a topical subject for national policy and studies. Existing researches mostly observe the issue and conundrums from the economy-career perspective, which tend to overlook the complexity of the linkage among military transition and all aspects of their lives. Therefore, this study aims to probe why male soldiers choose to enter and exit the military, and the correlation among the entrance, exit and reemployment, hoping to obtain a dynamic understanding of military career transition.\nAccordingly, the approaches used here are institutional analysis and biographic life course theory. The former is done through military records, files and pertinent literature while the latter is through interviews with 13 males (born 1957-1964 with an average age of 57).\nThe institutional analysis found that the evolution of the ROC’s Institution of Veteran Service can be divided into: Phase I, the centralized management and placement under the ideology of demographic-management (1949-1969), Phase II, the indirect placement under the backdrop of abolishment of martial law and democratization (1970-1999), and Phase III , a reform in the institution of veteran service after military professionalization—a proactive and normative employment integration (2000-preesent). Also, the historical period (the period when one retires) and individual period (the life stage when one retires) are profoundly influenced by the institution of veteran service that one faces which determines the financial resources and living conditions one obtains when one retires and thus affects one’s aging and life adaptation. Furthermore, intertwined with the institution of veteran service are education and military ranks, which interact and are relevant to the career path after one’s retirement.\nThe biographic life course theory found that “enlistment” is a decision made under multiple pressures from history, personal economic situation and family. Joining the army would bring financial support and continued education. The separation of individuals from their families of origin forms an emotional bond and attachment. The military gives them a sense of identity and a place for their drifting lives. During their service, their perception and choices interrelate with attachment and autonomy. The relations between what kind of military job they did and the transition, connection and transformation of their first employment after they retire are highly complicated and critical. Behind employment choices are different cultural backgrounds, which vary with experiences of their original family and the military as well as factors such as social-economic environment, community, work places, family and individual development. Facing different situations, the “We” during the military life became different levels of “Me”. In addition, along with the development of one’s life course, there are varied core issues about their employment choices and the meaning of jobs to them also changes while economic resources, health and social support play important roles.\nAs a result, this study further proposes a “hierarchical military transition” model. They are: continuous improvement, later stabilization, and midway stagnation. And several resources generate varying degree of reinforcement, substitution, and risks effects in different times.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 前理解--「如何理解他者?」 1\n第二節 研究背景與問題意識 6\n第三節 研究問題與目的 19\n第四節 研究重要性 20\n第二章 理論觀點: 退伍轉銜、生命歷程與老化的政治經濟觀點之結合 21\n第一節 退伍轉銜 21\n第二節 生命歷程與老化的政治經濟觀點之結合 32\n第三章 研究方法 48\n第一節 研究典範與方法選取 48\n第二節 研究設計與資料蒐集 51\n第三節 研究資料分析 60\n第四節 研究品質 62\n第五節 研究倫理 64\n第四章 制度分析 68\n第一節 人口治理思維下的集中化管理及安置(1949-1969) 69\n第二節 解嚴及民主浪潮下的間接安置(1970-1999) 76\n第三節 軍事專業化後的「退輔制度變革—積極性與規範性之就業整合措施」 (2000-至今) 81\n第五章 「我與社會失去了連結:我們的國防,他們的一生」--五位男性軍人的生命故事 85\n第一節 達湖的生命故事 88\n第二節 耀宗的生命故事 98\n第三節 諭哥的生命故事 106\n第四節 Bruce的生命故事 116\n第五節 世和的生命故事 124\n第六章 生命故事綜合分析 133\n第一節 原生家庭經驗與從軍的意義— 「軍隊讓漂泊的生命得以暫時靠岸」 133\n第二節 「歸屬與自主」--岸上,軍事圍牆內的日與夜 162\n第三節 「『我們』變成『我』?」--離岸,退伍後工作議題 197\n第四節 「跨越階級界線?」--階級化退伍轉銜歷程 237\n第七章 結論與建議 254\n第一節 研究發現 254\n第二節 研究討論 264\n第三節 研究限制與建議 268\n參考文獻 278\n一、中文部分 278\n二、英文部分 287\n附錄一 295\n附錄二 296zh_TW
dc.format.extent5432274 bytes-
dc.subjectMilitary transitionen_US
dc.subjectInstitution of veteran serviceen_US
dc.subjectLife course perspectiveen_US
dc.subjectPolitical economy of agingen_US
dc.titleA Study on Military Career Transition and Life Courseen_US
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