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dc.description.abstractEconomic globalization has been changing the labor market enormously in terms of the structure and flexibility. Thus the increase of atypical employment is one of the main causes of deteriorating labor market and low-paid jobs. The youth of today face higher employment risk and they are forced to change their employment behavior and aspirations in response to circumstantial vicissitude. The youth try to find out the road which is suitable to them. In recent years, working holiday has become the new choice among young people in exploring their career pursuit.\nThe influence of working holiday in youth’s career planning cannot be ignored. There are three issues this study focused on. Firstly, why the youth in Taiwan resign their job and go oversea for working holiday? Secondly, will the youth’s career selection change after they come back? Lastly, during the working holiday, will the youth’s personal ability get strengthened as a result of working holiday experience and that capability in turn increases their competitiveness in labor market?\nBy Purposive Sampling and Snowball sampling, the target groups who had come back at least one year are chosen and are conducted in-depth interviews. We found out that their motivation to undertake working holiday includes the following: getting away from deteriorated labor market of Taiwan, job burnout, pessimism for the future career development, and lost purpose in their life. As to the impact of working holiday, the findings show that the experience of working holiday will have long term impact on the youth’s future career development, such as communication skills, stress resistant ability, problem-solving capability, global adaptability, and high willingness to learn.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節、研究動機 1\n第二節、研究目的 4\n第三節、研究設計 4\n第二章 青年就業現象與問題 11\n第一節、青年失業與就業概況 11\n第二節、青年轉銜相關研究 19\n第三章、青年度假打工相關研究 23\n第一節、我國青年度假打工概況 23\n第二節、度假打工參與動機 28\n第三節、度假打工之跨文化適應與學習 29\n第四節、度假打工經驗對職涯之影響 31\n第四章、訪談發現與分析 33\n第一節、度假打工的動機與目的 33\n第二節、度假打工面臨的挑戰 43\n第三節、度假打工後之轉銜就業歷程與影響 51\n第四節、小結 69\n第五章、結論與建議 71\n第一節、結論 71\n第二節、建議 73\n參考文獻 75\n附錄一:企業重視的核心就業力 80\n附錄二:訪談內容大綱 81zh_TW
dc.format.extent5647789 bytes-
dc.subjectWorking holidayen_US
dc.subjectYouth employmenten_US
dc.subjectLabor market transitionen_US
dc.titleThe impact of working holiday experience on youth transitionen_US
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