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dc.contributor.advisorLee, Tsung-Chinen_US
dc.contributor.authorChu, Bei-Syuanen_US
dc.creatorChu, Bei-Syuanen_US
dc.description.abstract研究目的:身體意象為青少女之自我認同發展中重要的一環,研究顯示負向身體意象好發於青少女階段,且為低自尊、憂鬱與飲食疾患之危險因子。目前身體意象預防方案在校園中,大多針對社會文化所傳遞的理想外貌之訊息為目標,以教學與活動的方式教導學生去抵抗理想外貌的訊息,或是針對身體的功能,利用體育活動讓學生將關注自外貌注轉移至身體生理的功能。研究者認為以上兩種方案取向將身體視為青少女所擁有的物件,使得身與心的連結薄弱,本研究將身體意象視為自我核心的一部分,藉由動勢的概念發展身體意象預防方案, 探討此方案對青少女對身體欣賞與覺察的程度,以及降低他人負面外貌評價恐懼之程度與外貌比較之行為。\n研究方法:本研究為準實驗設計,以高中女生為研究對象,分為實驗組、體育課組與控制組,實驗組接受「動勢取向之身體意象預防方案」,每週1次,每次90分鐘,共計八次之團體方案,體育課組參與學校之游泳課程,控制組不進行任何介入,也未參加學校游泳課。共有87位新北市某高中女學生參與本研究,依次為實驗組19人, 。體育課組為27人,控制組為41人。三組皆使用自陳式問卷在介入前與介入後進行資料搜集,使用二因子混合樣本變異數分析與相依樣本t檢定進行資料分析。\n研究結果:一、相較於體育課組與控制組,動勢取向之身體意象預防方案可顯著提升高中女生之身體欣賞;二、實驗組經過八週預防方案介入後,在負面外貌評估恐懼、外表取向顯著降低,外表評估與身體各部位滿意度顯著提高。\n結論:本研究嘗試使用動勢取向之概念作為基礎與實踐方法,發展身體意象預防方案,結果可有效提升青少女的身體欣賞程度,然方案內容與測量方法尚有改善空間。最後提出本研究貢獻與限制,以及未來研究方向的建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBackground: Body image is an important part of the development of adolecent girls` self-identity. Studies have shown negative body image is easily ocurred in adolecent girls. And which ut is a risk factor for low self-esteem, depression and eating disorder. At present, most of the body image prevention programs are aimed at the message of the ideal appearance, conveying by sociocultural. Teaching and activities are used to teach students to resist the message of the ideal appearance, or to use physical activities to shift students’ attention from physical appearance to physical functions. The researchers considered that the above two approachs in programs regared the body as the object owned by adolecent girls. The connection between the body and the mind is weak. This study considers the body image as a part of the core of the self, and intends to develop a body image prevention program based on the concept of Dongshi, and also exploying the degree of the adolecent girls’ body appreaciation and body awareness, the degree of fear of the negative appearance evaluation of others and the behavior of comparing with the appearance with others.\nMethods: This study is a quasi-experimental design. High school girls are selected as the research subjects. Three groups were recruited as the experimental group, the physical education group and the control group. A total of 87 female high school students in New Taipei City pareticipated in this study as samples. There were 19 students in experimental group receiving the "Dongshi approach for body image prevention program", once a week for 90 minutes, for a total of 8 swssions in group involved. There were 27 students in the physical education group and they participated in the swimming lessons in the original school. There were 41 students in the control group and did not participate in any intervention or participate in the school swimming class. All three groups used self-reported questionnaires to collect data before and after intervention. The two-way ANOVA, mixed design and paired sample t-tests were used for data analysis.\nResult: 1. Compared with the physical education group and the control group, the Dongshi approach for body image prevention program can significantly enhance the body appreciation of high school girls. 2. After the intervention of the eight-week prevention program, not only the fear of the negative appearance evaluation and appearance orientation were significantly decresed, also appearance evaluation and satisfaction with body parts significantly increased in the experimental group.\nConclusion: This study attempts to use the Dongshi approach of the dance therapy as a basic and practical method to develop a body image prevention program. The results can effectively enhance the degree of body appreciation of the adolecent girls, but there are still room for improvement in the content of the program and the measurement. Finally, the contributions and limitations of this study, as well as suggestions for future research directions, are proposed.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機 1\n第二節 研究目的與問題意識 4\n第三節 名詞釋義 4\n第二章 文獻探討 6\n第一節 青少女的身體意象 6\n第二節 青少女身體意象預防方案之相關研究 19\n第三節 動勢取向之舞蹈治療 24\n第四節 動勢取向之身體意象預防方案:高中輔導模式 27\n第三章 研究方法 30\n第一節 研究架構與設計 30\n第二節 研究假設 32\n第三節 研究對象 34\n第四節 研究工具 35\n第五節 動勢取向之身體意象預防方案 51\n第六節 研究過程 58\n第四章 研究結果 60\n第一節 前置分析 60\n第二節 預防方案之成效分析 62\n第五章 討論與建議 68\n第一節 研究結果與討論 68\n第二節 研究限制及未來研究方向 73\n參考文獻 75\n附錄 96zh_TW
dc.format.extent4003451 bytes-
dc.subjectBody imageen_US
dc.subjectAdolescent girlsen_US
dc.subjectPrevention programen_US
dc.subjectDance/movement therapyen_US
dc.titleDongshi Approach for Body Image Prevention: An All- Girls High School Guidance Counseling Modelen_US
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